The Question
Gargamet said:Quest said:Alt-right can be useful term, if used to indicate people with right-wing ideology who have rejected traditional conservative values such as common courtesy and basic decency. However, I agree that its meaning has become rather muddled of late. I use the term "redpill" very deliberately, not intending to be derogatory, as that is how adherents of the movement refer to themselves. I do find it ironic that "taking the red pill" pretty much means adopting the same old worn out beliefs that have been around forever, but framing them in the language of victimhood. "Whites are the real victims of racism. Men are the real victims of sexism." If rejecting those precepts makes me an SJW, so be it.
Emphasis mine. Q.v. John Castle.
I guess they missed me. But at least they knew who would have called them out on being completely wrong.
You see, the pendulums on racism and sexism -- even institutionalized racism and sexism -- have in fact swung to the point where racism against whites is at best excused and at worst legitimized, and the same is true with sexism against men. There are mountains of evidence of both, and the only rebuttal the left has for that is to fundamentally redefine the words 'sexism' and 'racism' to talk about systems rather than dynamics.
But considering the anti-male sexism inherent in the court system and the anti-white racism inherent in employment and college admissions, even those redefinitions fail.
(Now, gargamet certainly knew I'd shred that bullshit in exactly the fashion I just did, which is why she took advantage of me not being there to invoke my name in association with it. Like any coward, she wanted a free shot at me. It must be hard to be so feeble that you can only win a fight when the opponent is absent.)