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I Had A Dream Last Night


First, I ordered a really good-looking blended drink at Wendy's, something with "Starburst" in the name and it was thick and pink. But I got less than a quarter cupfull and I went to complain and noticed that they overcharged me by more than $100.

Then I went outside and noticed how they had renovated the building.

Then I went inside and Meghan was working and we looked at wierd parts of the inside of the building (no longer the Wendy's) and something to do w/Mark Hamil being super-hot *now*, as if he got ultra-fuckable in the 30 years elapsed since Star Wars. He wasn't around, but it came up an awful lot in conversation.

Went back in a room that looked like a den and there was a granny sitting on a sofa, and several other people around the room. We talked about something I can't remember (one of them looked like Peter Gallagher) and then I sat down next to granny. There was some sort of teacup ride next to the room, which was now roofless w/one side open. the teacups spun around but went up and down this track very slowly while they spun. After a while we noticed that they had changed the cups to the historically proper square-ish /rectangular-ish teacups. And then a little girl fell out of one of the teacups, I don't remember how. But granny caught her. Then a little bit later one of the teacups became partially disattached from the track and was dangling, and another little girl fell out and granny caught this one too and my boss Bill had been reviewing the new ride with the maker and he decided that the ride would not receive a contract for whatever.

Stuff that I don't remember

We were standing on a hill outside a large Star Wars-(original)-style building. Several people, including Jeff and a little girl, and maybe Luke Skywalker I'm not sure. We are watching all the jet planes fly off too the middle east and there are hundreds/thousands of them, but no more than 50 at a time. If I look to the scene on my right I can see dolphins leaping around. One lept especially high. I have to go to the bottom of the hill to pick up a key or something but by the time I'm down there the whole place is covered in waist-deep snow and I have a ton of trouble getting back up the hill.

Then we (me, Luke, others?) go to the Imperial base to help Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guiness-looking) and I'd love to elaborate but I don't remember too clearly but there was much sneaking around and a very little bit of blaster battle.

Now I am in a car with Ben (NOT Obi-Wan, just a guy I know IRL named Ben) and Luke and one of the girls Ben is cheating on his girlfriend with. We are driving around in the hills around Seattle, and there is some new museum and I think it looks like the SAM or Star Trek museum (these happen to both exist and look very similar in my dream) and it is neither Ben tells me what it is but I don't remember.

Another dream I had last night involved camping, and these two Asian girl sex slaves that instead I just let have a good night's rest. And some guy's (a manly man for sure) house was on the campgrounds and had foreclosed but in this dream's universe a house foreclosed only meant that you couldn't live there anymore until you paid the money owed. If he could pay it back the guy would own the house which was now very valuable due to this special campground being built up around it. The campgrounds bought all the other houses around but can't buy foreclosed ones, they are a sort of no man's land thing. Dave Foley was there and I got to kiss Bruce McCulloch but accidentally also kissed Will Ferrell and was very embarassed because I couldn't tell the difference w/my eyes closed. Then the dinosaurs came. They were all smaller, Compy-sized things but it was still terrifically scary. And I had to change clothes cause in the morning when I woke up all my stuff had been stolen and nothing was left but the bedding and the sex slaves and their stuff so I had to run around wearing the sex slave clothes defending me and some cute dog from the Compys and then Dave showed me a room with stuff I could change into but I had to hurry because there were Compys everywhere and if they couldn't get at the humans they were going to eat the horses.