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I have a Question that Requires a Very Serious Answer!


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Do you think Japanese Treat their Women like Shit?

I just finished a very intense conversation with a few associates of mines that seem to think so. They all believe that Japanese women are forced to be extremely submissive (especially in porn) and that their men are more dominant than any other men on earth.

This (my associates state) is something that starts at a very early age with them, and that Japan is the largest producers of "Child Porn" than any other country in the world.

I dont watch child porn so this is something that I wouldn't know anything about, and I have never been to Japan or any oter part of Asia, so I had very little ammunition to fight back with.

Personally I do not believe that Japanese women are abused or degraded in any way at all. I have ALWAYS believed that no matter how great a man may be, there is ALWAYS a greater women behind him. No man can rise higher than his own women be it Japanese, White, Black, or any other people!

Japanese women (the ones that I know anyway) are by far the most polite women I know, and definitey have better manners.

I have seen Japanese porn before, and I dont see it as being any different from any other (with the exception of being far more creative). I will agree that some of the women they use do look rather young, but all of the ones I have seen looked to be at least 18 years of age or older.

Please let me know what you all think of this. I am REALLY interested in your responses!
These fools sat here talking about them like the Japanese are nothing more than a race of sex obsessed molesters and perverts. I call BULLSHIT!!

I have never been to Japan, but for some reason found myself really getting angered by some of statements these fuckers were making and made every attempt possible to defend them!!

Whats wring with having or liking sex? It how all of us got here correct?

If sex was a sin, the population of the world would be down to almost zero!
correction: "Whats wring with having or liking sex? " should have read " Whats wrong with having or liking sex?" :mmph:
You know, there is a REASON why the Japanese are so sexually active. The reason they allow (and even encourage) sexual activity amongst their youth, is to create social unity. Sex is often encouraged to create social bonding that in turn will promote unity amongst their own kind. (to accept one another instead of reject, to bond together instead of isolate, to love and admire one another instead of hate and refuse).

Over the years it has managed to have a rather positive affect on the nation as a whole. They have managed to create and maintain a society with one of the lowest crime rates in the world, as well as one of the lowest divorce rates.

Unity as a whole is the key for Japan's survival. This is something many nations (including some people in the US) could learn from Japan. Instead of suing the pants off of each other over each and every little thing, they are inclined to show humility and submission to their peers and elders, and will work themselves to the bone to make things easier for not only themselves, but for everyone else as a whole.

Sex really isn't a bad thing... and its really nothing to either hide from or be ashamed of either!

So, you had already decided the answer to your question when you first asked it...

I do, but I wanted (and still do) would like to hear the opinoins of everyone else here. Especially from anyone thats lived there or knows any japanese people on a personal basis!
Here is a Chinese woman that chose to make fun of different Chinese stereotypes on youtube.

You know, there is a REASON why the Japanese are so sexually active. The reason they allow (and even encourage) sexual activity amongst their youth, is to create social unity. Sex is often encouraged to create social bonding that in turn will promote unity amongst their own kind. (to accept one another instead of reject, to bond together instead of isolate, to love and admire one another instead of hate and refuse).

Over the years it has managed to have a rather positive affect on the nation as a whole. They have managed to create and maintain a society with one of the lowest crime rates in the world, as well as one of the lowest divorce rates.

Unity as a whole is the key for Japan's survival. This is something many nations (including some people in the US) could learn from Japan. Instead of suing the pants off of each other over each and every little thing, they are inclined to show humility and submission to their peers and elders, and will work themselves to the bone to make things easier for not only themselves, but for everyone else as a whole.

Sex really isn't a bad thing... and its really nothing to either hide from or be ashamed of either!


This Japanese Commercial is a prime example what what was talking about.


Some people look at this and try to brand Japan as being a nation of Pedophiles, while I myself beg to differ. What do you all think of this (and be honest)!!
I just finished a very intense conversation with a few associates of mines that seem to think so. They all believe that Japanese women are forced to be extremely submissive (especially in porn) and that their men are more dominant than any other men on earth.

This (my associates state) is something that starts at a very early age with them, and that Japan is the largest producers of "Child Porn" than any other country in the world.

I dont watch child porn so this is something that I wouldn't know anything about,

Sure you don't, starguard.
