I just completed Amazon Quest and still didn't reclaim my high score



WTF? WTF? ARRGGGGGGHH! I'm taking my high score back Gonad, just so I didn't waste that hour playing Amazon Quest. Which means wasting more time attempting to reclaim my score which means I'll probably clock it again and still not get my high score and I'll get even more determined and I'll keep doing that and I begin to do it so fast time will blur and suddenly I'll be back in the 1800's and there WILL BE NO AMAZON QUEST at which point I will scream GGOOONNAAAADDD and I'll have to steal a train to push the Delorean up to 88 miles an hour to get home and it's all because we have don't have the full version of Amazon quest in the arcade. So if suddenly we all have forked tongues and it rains donuts, remember it's the fault of whoever didn't install the full version of Amazon Quest. That or I tried to best Tisi's score on Spellbound.


I want to smell dark matter
I need to take Baby Destruction back from MENtalist. There's only ONE baby destroyer around here!

EDIT: Oh, I already have it.