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I leave for Japan tomorrow morning

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Going to visit some family for a week. Normally, I'd be excited-hell just having a week off from 2 jobs is pretty exciting-but this time, not so much. See, I'll be taking the grueling 13-hour flight with a 2-year-old. An active 2-year-old. A 2-year-old that loves to say, "No, Da-da! No!". As he himself would say, "Ay-yi-yi!"

Since we only have a week, we'll be on the go non-stop, it won't even be that relaxing. Plus, i'll be missing a good friend, and I just feel out of sorts when I'm out of the country. Don't get me wrong, I'm not really complaining, just dreading the travel itself. Ugh. Quite honestly, I'm looking much more forward to my little vacation in June.

Anyway, I won't be around, who the hell knows if I'll even be able to get online! Have fun, people, I can't wait to see what Shatna is up to next week!
Don't forget to visit Akihabara. Knowing how much of a tech nut you are, you'll fall in love with the place. :)
Have a great trip sweetie.....

Don't forget to take lots of pictures....Cuz' we love pictures....

Travel Safe....
RommieSG said:
Don't forget to visit Akihabara. Knowing how much of a tech nut you are, you'll fall in love with the place. :)

No time to visit Akihabara this time....but I've been there 3 or 4 times before. After all, this is my 8th trip to Japan! ;)

I WILL get to see my favorit baseball team, the Yakult Swallows!
RuReddy said:
Have a great trip sweetie.....

Don't forget to take lots of pictures....Cuz' we love pictures....

Travel Safe....

You kiddin' me? Remember, I have a 2-year-old, we're like the friggin' paparazzi when we travel with the boy! ;)
Enjoy your trip BDM. And if you get lost, I heard people in this group called "Yakuza" are pretty friendly to foreigners and you can ask them for help whenever you have questions.
I'm a Henshin Tiger fan, personally.

Damn, it's too late to ask him to bring back some Anime for me, isn't it?
It's because the Phillies are slipping, isn't it? You need some space to regroup? I understand.

Safe journeys, being me back some bootleg anime!