I LUV Obama!

Blackfoot's Dick

Film Noir Detective
Damn! I Luv Obama! I's sho happy to see anudder cupcakeuh in da White House! Maybe he invite Big Daddy Blackfoot over fo sum KFC and malt liquor. A a madduh of fact, I have a few proposals for da cupcakeuh in chief. We furst, needa plow unduah dat der Rose Garden an plant him a watermelon patch. Den, we needa change de name of da White House. I mean DA WHITE HOUSE? No self respectin' cupcakeuh need to be in a place wid dat kinda name. We needa re-name it to Da Crib. Thirdly, dat white bitch in England put up a flag dat let us know when she in her castle. Obama needa do one betta. He needa have a big 'ol neon sign dat says "Out Prowlin'" When he not at home. Den, when he get back, he can light up da udder sign dat say "Up in der" Fourth, an mos' important. His ride. Dis ain't no kinda ride fo a cupcakeuh!

cupcakeuh needa REPRESENT! Dis id what Blackfoot say he needa be rollin' in!


Dats all da suggestions I got at dis time. Now, if y'all be escusin' meh, I gots a crack pipe dat need tendin'.


Let's fuck some shit up
Hey, Bf's Dick... How long did it take you to type that with only using one finger and smoking your pipe?


But damn, the cupcakeers run wild here at TURDKINGDOM. Of course the cupcakeers would love the cupcakeer OBAMA. It is but a ritual for these cupcakeers to suck his cock in supplication every morning, yes?

This is why Canada will always be superiour to the US. Canada knows better than to elect a cupcakeer as Prime Minister. We know better than that.