Troll Kingdom

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I PMed Luci!

Messenger said:
You were fibbing earlier about how I was sending you a steady stream of PMs. Tell the truth.

Really? I should like to see that post. I did no such thing. I said YOU were claiming I was sending you posts as this 'Brian' character. Shall we dance?
Dance? What are you talking about? And I haven't retracted my claims that you're Brian, idiot. Everyone but the n00bs know it to be true.
Messenger said:
Dance? What are you talking about? And I haven't retracted my claims that you're Brian, idiot. Everyone but the n00bs know it to be true.

Thank you. Now you admit to claiming I PMed you many times as this fictional individual yes? I challenge you do deny it or must I boogie? You are just like RWC, deny everything that happened when it clearly did. The TW'ers know I toasted him on his own site and they know he deleted me and banned me. Some troll. They are laughing at his claims that he trolled them. ALL of them asked the same question 'IF HE TROLLED US ALL, THEN WHY DID HE BAN US?' You and RWC make a cute couple. Too stupid to do or say anything right.
Messenger said:
This isn't an act, is it? You really are deluded.

Excellent. Keep retreating dear child. Lovely way you switched topics too. Repeat after me: 'I WAS PWNED BY SAINTLUCIFER'.
This has to be an act. A person can't be as dense as you, right?


Are you really the son of a well-to-do Indian immigrant living in Canada?
Indian immigrants don't live in Canada.

Or is there 7-11 up there too?

I'm just kidding, I know Indians all work in call centers nowadays.
SilentBtViolent said:
Indian immigrants don't live in Canada.

Or is there 7-11 up there too?

I'm just kidding, I know Indians all work in call centers nowadays.

Never set foot in TORONTO have you? We are the most multicultural city in the world. It's fucking bullshit.