I saw the bloke off the BT ads


Is this real life?
(Kris Marshall)

He wasn't on a bike coming out of FOX, but he was in central London filming something with an unidentified lady (all I saw was her hair as I walked past) and surrounded by a ring of poor runners who'd been forced to hold hands to stop the public from wandering into shot.

The woman from the BT ads was unavailable for comment.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Oh! That's the guy from Love Actually AND HE'S GOT A BIG KNOOOOOOOOOOOOB!

If he went to Wisconsin now, he'd be detained as an illegal immigrant and put on a terrorist watchlist.

He's funny. Does he really have a big knob?


I want to smell dark matter
It would be amazing if he was filming a new BT ad AND YOU JUST GAVE US THE INSIDE SCOOP. The BT ad forums would go crazy with jealousy!


Is this real life?
His knob didn't appear to have a starring role, so I can neither confirm nor deny. He's very tall, though.


I want to smell dark matter
You should have asked him to explain the confusing BT ads of the past ("call your...dad", the son's look of curshing disappointment when caught drinking pop with friends, the one where he nervously chats up a girl talking about the BT Home Hub...)


Is this real life?
Or simply "why does my BT Home Hub keep cutting out when I need to send that one important email?"


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe you actually haver GENERIC INTERNET PROVIDER but they stuck a "BT Home Hub" sticker on it.


I want to smell dark matter
Have you (Fuddlemiff) noticed that they've changed the BT ads? They seem to be about wacky students now. Unless one of them is the son from the Chris Marshall ads aged up a few years (I doubt it.) I wonder how the BT couple continuity finally ended? Will there be a DVD release of all the ads?


Is this real life?
That is actually the same kid, Tommy Bastow (don't ask how I know the names of all the actors in those ads...). I don't really get it though. Attractive girl has attractive boyfriend, while plain looking guy wants to (what?) woo her with fast broadband?

Meanwhile I discovered that BT really do use measures to stop file sharing, but they're pretty easy to circumvent. I was only getting about 1kb/s on utorrent, but after some googling I found out how to get it back to regular, theft friendly levels.


I want to smell dark matter
Sky have never made any attempt to stop me stealing. AND YOU SAY MURDOCH IS EVIL?

I'm glad these new ads are in the same continuity! Maybe some OLD FRIENDS will pop by for a surprise visit!

(Yeah, the girl is hot.)


Is this real life?
Maybe then The Boy from the BT Ads will get some actual lines, rather than being a mute sexual object, who's reduced to a series of quizzical glances.


I want to smell dark matter
Let's hope not!


Can I have Ops?
I would have love to join hands with all the runners creating the cordon and struck up a rousing sing song with "Old Lang Syne" as a starting point.


Is this real life?
They looked totally adorable with their woolly hats and their "this isn't what I signed up for" facial expressions. They didn't even get to actually see the filming process, because they were all facing outwards.


I want to smell dark matter