Big Dick McGee
If you don't know, now ya know
It's not the money, it's the time committment. I'm already burnin' the candle at both ends, I just KNOW I'd be up all goddamned night watching the stupid feeds.
Nevermind the fact that they're 3 hours behind me, so the good stuff prolly happens at like 4 in the morning!
I wish they'd do like in the UK and have a digital channel showing the live feeds, that way I could TiVo the damned thing and watch the good stuff.
Eggs, how many hours per day do you watch the feeds??
Nevermind the fact that they're 3 hours behind me, so the good stuff prolly happens at like 4 in the morning!
I wish they'd do like in the UK and have a digital channel showing the live feeds, that way I could TiVo the damned thing and watch the good stuff.
Eggs, how many hours per day do you watch the feeds??