I Watched All Four Seasons of Heroes...


RIP Karl 1991-2014
In seven days. I started marathoning Lost two nights ago and am now halfway through season two.

(lol no life)


Boobie inspector
How did you get through season two (of heroes) without sharpening the edges of one of the dvds and slitting your wrists with it?


RIP Karl 1991-2014
The Hiro/Takezo Kensei story was kinda cute, and the copious amounts of liquor didn't hurt.


I want to smell dark matter

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Buy a weight set and spend all your time lifting while listening to Skrewdriver.

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
Every time Heroes looks like it is going to return to form, they fuck something up. Most major fuck-up of course is not killing Mufasa or whatever the hell his name is. Mohinder. God what a bore. Hiro turned into a bore too. Hell, most of the characters turned into bores, or they introduced more bores. I don't even know why I keep tuning in week after week. Blind hope I guess.


I want to smell dark matter
The only decent character really is Sylar (maybe Peter) and that's only because Quinto does such a good job no matter how many times they flip him from good to evil or have him kill Kristen Bell for no reason.


New Member
How did you get through season two (of heroes) without sharpening the edges of one of the dvds and slitting your wrists with it?


I hate it when someone comes up with a good idea - then in typical US TV fashion the story line is opened up to a committee of writers (usually by season 2) and the whole thing goes down the pan.

Presumably sometime in season 5 someone will wake up in bed and the previous 3 seasons will all be just a bad dream

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Jesus, d/l The Wire or The Shield ferfucksakes, don't waste another nano-second on Heroes!!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Uh=Oh! Someone has naughty bits in their av!

Better call the W33V police.