Troll Kingdom

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I will be back to re-hijack this site later.

Loopy from TW said:
I will be back to re-hijack this site later.

Cool. Looking forward to it.

When you do come back though, bring some quality straight porn to post so we can have something interesting to look at while you continue to make an idiot of yourself. Porn wouldn't be original, but what the hell, it's not like anything you've done to date is.

Beer would be nice also. But not necessarily required.

Now have a nice day and thank you for visiting Troll Kingdom.
Loopy from TW said:
while i am gone make sure you fuck off, and eat shit!


I hope I'm here to see your really kwel expert trolling. I'm so excite i think I vommited a bit in my mouth and I'm sure I wet my pants. I can barely contain myself with the anticipation. please hurry back.
Nacchisrevenge said:
I hope I'm here to see your really kwel expert trolling. I'm so excite i think I vommited a bit in my mouth and I'm sure I wet my pants. I can barely contain myself with the anticipation. please hurry back.
you forgot the part wher i shitin your mouth whore!
satan mcevil said:
bump this poast

Golly, I wonder who this is.