
Number of times Terry Nutkins has been mentioned on TK: 22
By Me: 17

That borders on a fixation. That's 1.7 references for every year I've been here!


Is this real life?
Believe it or not, when I read that he'd died, the first thing I thought was "Gagh won't be able to make any more Terry Nutkin jokes. :("

Clearly you either make too many Terry Nutkin jokes, or I spend too much time on here.

Sad, though. He was one of my favourite tv presenters as a child, perhaps because he wasn't another shouty 20-something, and it was nice to see him occasionally pop up in shows even quite recently.


Boobie inspector
I guess we could always wait a respectable period then start making zombie Terry Nutkins jokes.


I loved him as a kid, and along with the likes of Tony Hart, Johnny Morris, John Craven, Johnny Ball and the likes, they all synonymous with my early youth in the early to mid 80's, and before that. Terry Nutkins was such a nice man who I met at London Zoo with Johnny Morris when I was 5. They made so much time to speak to kids and make them happy. Do you see many presenters doing that now?


I loved him as a kid, and along with the likes of Tony Hart, Johnny Morris, John Craven, Johnny Ball and the likes, they all synonymous with my early youth in the early to mid 80's, and before that. Terry Nutkins was such a nice man who I met at London Zoo with Johnny Morris when I was 5. They made so much time to speak to kids and make them happy. Do you see many presenters doing that now?


I want to smell dark matter
I always associate him with squirrels and maybe it's unfair.

Sad news.


Boobie inspector
I like squirrels, its not a bad thing to be associated with.

He was part of my youth too.


I want to smell dark matter
At least the otter that bit off his fingers is long dead by now.


Is this real life?
On the otter hand, they can live surprisingly long if they're in habitats with reliable sources of food.


I want to smell dark matter
Well it happened when he was a teenager I think, so unless it's SUPER OTTER...