Troll Kingdom

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I will say this about everything

Super Crazy

New member
I am a dual on this site, This is an elaborate construct thought up by myself and someone else on this site. We have laughed on our asses off.
Thanks Messenger.
Super Crazy said:
I am a dual on this site, This is an elaborate construct thought up by myself and someone else on this site. We have laughed on our asses off.
Thanks Messenger.

It's nice to see you thought long and hard about it. Imagine what you could accomplish if you used 3 brain cells next time!
Zodiac said:
OMG! You're making my ribs hurt :D

Jesus wept.....

I don't believe this!


Fuck. Just ONCE I would like to come into TROLL KINGDOM and not see you here. This has NEVER happened. Do you fucking LIVE here? Do you even have a fucking life? Get your ass outside and start looking for a goddamn job you piece of shit! It's not right everyone else on this site is working to pay for your fucking welfare. I swear I have come into TROLL KINGDOM thinking 'for once MESSENGER will not be here' but you are ALWAYS here. ALWAYS. Without fail. You need to get a fucking LIFE. Seriously. I am not kidding here. People like you develop psychological problems. The state will end up caring for you completely. 24/7. Christ on a stick! I will ask you a simple question. Has there EVER been a day when you were NOT in TROLL KINGDOM? Be honest now you loser fuck. Do you ever move away from your fucking computer? You mean to tell me you are in TROLL KINGDOM from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep? You are truly a pathetic, sick piece of shit. I am 100% positive you are a fucking 40 year old virgin. Absolutely no doubt. You have never dated a woman in your entire life (how could you? You are always HERE). Holy fuck! No one can be that pathetic. *forms the 'L' with my thumb and forefinger then presses it against my forehead* FUCKING LOSER.