I've never been to a BBS where that ISN'T against the rules.
I'm not sure if Sardy or MM would have banned for it though. But they didn't ban many people. You would have had to post some illegal shit to get banned in the first place. Otherwise they'd just lock you down in some bullshit spam forum. But if a banned member did start posting on another account then I'm sure MM would have locked the account out of fear of the person reposting the illegal content they were kicked for in the first place.
It may also be interesting to note that I believe (maybe wrong here) that Red Whacker (our Founder) use to account share with his cousin on Trekbbs and that caused him issues over there. Again, I may be remembering that wrong. But account sharing isn't unheard of here. Supposedly the rumor is that multiple people where using a SkinOfEvil clone account. But that may be bullshit too.