I'm agreeing with liberals more and more lately

K Dogg

Skin is my daddy
First the Dubai ports deal, then immigration and now the NSA getting the telephone records. The world must be coming to an end or something.
Trust me conservatives don't like this either. Only the techno geeks at NSA and the President seem to think it's a good idea. Although I have seen a handful of cronies of the administration try and defend it. It's amazing just how many freedoms regular people seem to toss up in the name of being safe. Me, I'd rather be a little more free and less safe, because let's face it, ANYTHING CAN KILL YOU. Even your own shower. So why be paranoid about it?
K Dogg said:
First the Dubai ports deal, then immigration and now the NSA getting the telephone records. The world must be coming to an end or something.
Actually, Israel has many, many front companies in the United States, and has more than once attempted to circumvent security systems for information-gathering purposes.

I can't stand TKers who start bitching and whining that "oh, Bush is spying on me wah wah!" yet bring nothing up about Israeli and Chinese spying. Or perhaps they aren't as informed as they think (Not a potshot).

And why would you be agreeing with liberals more and more over immigration?
Define, "batshit insane"? Does complaining about degraded economies, double-standards on racism, intimidation and sometime open violence against Americans and a massive security risk constitute "batshit insane"?
No, but you're party can't decide between making them all legal or building a giant wall - both of which are stupid ideas.
I'm not sure what to make of this conversation, Hambil, when taking into account some of your stranger statements about welcoming 'Mexican masters.'

But could you explain why building a wall is such a batshit insane idea? Maybe if they didn't recieve free medical care and were eagerly supplied with jobs by greedy capitalist employers there would be no incentive for them to remain.

And a wall would keep them out.
Messenger said:
I'm not sure what to make of this conversation, Hambil, when taking into account some of your stranger statements about welcoming 'Mexican masters.'

But could you explain why building a wall is such a batshit insane idea? Maybe if they didn't recieve free medical care and were eagerly supplied with jobs by greedy capitalist employers there would be no incentive for them to remain.

And a wall would keep them out.
Name one thing in history that was made better by building a wall?
Hambil said:
No, but you're party can't decide between making them all legal or building a giant wall - both of which are stupid ideas.

Who's my party, Hambil?

If I had a party, it would be the one to levy massive fines against any business which knowingly (or unknowingly, what a joke) hires, transports or houses illegal labor, fines reinforced by business termination and assets seizure in cases of non-compliance. It would terminate the "Metricula card" bullshit forthwith, deny all government benefits to illegal aliens, and which would recall all military personnel from the middle east with the exception of those necessary to provide security for U.S. embassies.

Then it would provide 90 days for all illegal aliens in the country to either get legal or get out. During that 90 days, the military personnel recalled from tours in the middle east would be on an on-call leave to spend with their families, spend looking for private sector work, or however they choose as long as they remain reachable.

At the end of that 90 days, regular unit rotations would resume, and military personnel would be deployed to the border to enforce security there, which is what our military is supposed to be for.

Yes, that does involve a wall -- obviously, yes, people who want to will still find a way around it -- but with little or nothing here for them here if they cross illegally, fewer will try. The few who do try would have to be some suicidal motherfuckers, because no longer will our border security retreat from armed incursions. They would be weapons-free, and Mexico would be so informed, and not nicely.
You asked for an historically effective use of a wall, didn't you? Think your bank would keep your money very effectively without any security measures?

Or by "better" did you mean less effective? Or maybe you meant better as in, offers no benefit to the people who actually contribute to it?
First, a bank doesn't even count and you know that. We're talking about historical walls - e.g. the great wall of china. Second, 'made better' means the problem it was built for was solved in more than just the short term.
Hambil said:
First, a bank doesn't even count and you know that. We're talking about historical walls - e.g. the great wall of china. Second, 'made better' means the problem it was built for was solved in more than just the short term.

The Great Wall DID serve it's intended purpose!
Blindgroping said:
The Great Wall DID serve it's intended purpose!
No. What it did was begin a phase of isolationism in China that didn't end until we opened their ports with a couple of wooden boats and a can-opener they where so technologically behind the rest of the world.