I'm beginning to become an Achievement Hunter on my Xbox.


I still think they're a bad idea - awarding you needless gamerscore for performing arbitary things, but I'm beginning to feel good over racking up a large score for a single game. So far I've maxed out only three games (Force Unleashed, Bully, Fallout 3), but I'll probably add Fable 2 and Assassin's Creed II to that list in the next week or so.

If you're wondering how sad it can make some people, check this guy out:



New Member
I considered purchasing Spore so I could get the achievements. I intended to colonize every planet in the galaxy (this is hundreds of thousands IIRC) so I could take a screencap and put it on the 'net. That or destroy them all.

LUCKILY I put it off long enough to let the urge pass. Ask anyone who has played Spore what all that meant.

Yes, they are bad.


I think my nephew has that game. I saw him play it a few times, and thought "not my sort of thing".


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I must be the only one who still busts out my Super Nintendo to play videogames. :(


I love you
I have been eating fruit. On fruit there are stickers. They say "Cuties" "Super Food for the Heart". Each time I peel the sticker off and put it on my nametag, its become an obsession now, like I'm collecting medals. "Look at me!" Look how many medals or achievements I've recieved!
I've been away from xbox live for too long.


New Member
Why aren't you playing it?! Go!

I doubt you'll need any assistance, but if you need questions like "Does this effect stack?" answered and can't be bothered to Google, we are here.

One thing you might like to know is that you can save before pivotal decisions and get all the achievements from the choices, something I won't be doing as I'm looking forward to multiple playthroughs. Basically you reload the game and play it differently with the previous achievement still there.
Gagh do you have "cph" in your gamertag? I keep suspecting that's you online but I can't quite remember.

I'm "SilentBt24"

I am a quasi-achievement-whore. It comes and goes. My problem is that I get super-into one game and just play it over and over, like in Fallout 3 I played for over 120 hours. Modern Warfare 2 I have like 100ish hours already. So hard to drag myself away from an obsession to achievement-whore myself!


Gagh do you have "cph" in your gamertag? I keep suspecting that's you online but I can't quite remember.

I'm "SilentBt24"

I am a quasi-achievement-whore. It comes and goes. My problem is that I get super-into one game and just play it over and over, like in Fallout 3 I played for over 120 hours. Modern Warfare 2 I have like 100ish hours already. So hard to drag myself away from an obsession to achievement-whore myself!

Yes, it's me - CPH76 NOFR. I'm also up to over 100 hours on Fallout 3!


New Member
If you don't get the downloadable content you can't get all the achievements. Tried the game yet?


Not yet, owing to the fact I got another 6 games with it. I'm working my way through 2 of those at the moment.
I just started Fable II yesterday, I think it's great. I have a little touch of OCD when it comes to videogames, so having not played all that many for a couple years I had a lot to catch up on.