I'm going on a budget tomorrow


I love you
I feel like I'm going to be raped raw and fed to the dogs. I am meeting with a personal financial advisor that is going to help get me back on track.
It starts out by the dogs just licking your toes at first. It feels so good, it even tickles a little bit. This can't be bad. Thats funny! Ha Ha! LOL! Tee Hee Hee and then
Then they start licking your toes just a little bit. But not very much. It hurts, it hurts alot!
Just imagine, Dr Dave, if you will, that you are sitting at a tabe, wearing sandles. I know, these things are very hard to imagine, but just do it. Then a cute little doggy comes up and starts licking your toes. It feels kind of good and it makes you laugh. Of course you pull your foot away, its such an akward thing, and then suddenly the dog turns into a viscous animal, bites you, tears you up and leaves you by the side of the road.
Just imagine, Dr Dave, if you will, that you are sitting at a tabe, wearing sandles. I know, these things are very hard to imagine, but just do it. Then a cute little doggy comes up and starts licking your toes. It feels kind of good and it makes you laugh. Of course you pull your foot away, its such an akward thing, and then suddenly the dog turns into a viscous animal, bites you, tears you up and leaves you by the side of the road.

*makes a note to never get a dog*
Just imagine, Dr Dave, if you will, that you are sitting at a tabe, wearing sandles. I know, these things are very hard to imagine, but just do it. Then a cute little doggy comes up and starts licking your toes. It feels kind of good and it makes you laugh. Of course you pull your foot away, its such an akward thing, and then suddenly the dog turns into a viscous animal, bites you, tears you up and leaves you by the side of the road.

I hate when that happens. I have had that happen. well the licking turning into biting not so much the tearing me up part. Thats what you get when you have a golden retriever as a pet.
I'm taking this thread as Mirah gets packed raped by the neighbourhood dogs every so often, but secretly likes it.