I'm just about to watch Office Space for the 300th time.


Only this time it's different, because over the last 3 weeks, I've invested in a 46 inch full HD TV, and a Multi-Region Profile 2.0 Blu-Ray Player, and boy does everything look the shit through this setup.

Sin City - Fucking awesome last night. Boys and toys - coming soon, Freesat with HD Recording Capability, and (finally) an X-Box 360. I'm putting my bonus money to good use - EAT THAT, BRITISH PUBLIC, I FUCKING EARNED IT.


well done, why don't you just lord it over us and make us feel bad about our rigs, you colossal prick.


Hey, I'm just happy with the omprovement on the 22 inch 5-year old bag of kack I previously had!

It upscales all my Simpsons DivX's to epic quality too.


hey. that's my wound. wanna quit rubbing salt in it?

seriously, though, i am super ready to buy an LCD tv that sports 1080p. all of my devices support it, i'm recording HD television on the windows7 system, all i need is the tv. oh, and the money to buy the tv.