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I'm taking a leave of absence


Skin is my daddy
Okay hey guys <slightyl drunk while writing this :chaching: >,

As some but not many of you know i'm leaving for China on Tuesday for a random trip i'm taking for a month.

China is crazy and they ban the vast majority of the internet and uhhh, I have a feeling that if I try to access this site i'll be denied. <--I mean, i'm gonna risk persecution and try anyways, but I just have this sneaky feeling...
My mom lives there (who i'm visiting, over there) and sometimes if our phone conversations get a bit too political, the line goes dead. <--It's that crazy-style.

So anyhow...if after Tuesday nobody hears from me for a while, its not because i'm avoiding you all (after all, I <3 you!! Except Lucy, obviously) its just because China is you know...a communist regime of terror and espionage. But the shopping is supposed to be damned good.


Love Tifferoo
Have a great Trip!!!

Way Cool and a whole month!!

Have a wonderful trip Tiff and enjoy the shopping....I wear a size 7 and I like lots of color ;) :mrgreen:

Don't forget to take pictures for us.....

Travel safely, sweetie....
tiff_7_17 said:
Okay hey guys <slightyl drunk while writing this :chaching: >,

As some but not many of you know i'm leaving for China on Tuesday for a random trip i'm taking for a month.

China is crazy and they ban the vast majority of the internet and uhhh, I have a feeling that if I try to access this site i'll be denied. <--I mean, i'm gonna risk persecution and try anyways, but I just have this sneaky feeling...
My mom lives there (who i'm visiting, over there) and sometimes if our phone conversations get a bit too political, the line goes dead. <--It's that crazy-style.

So anyhow...if after Tuesday nobody hears from me for a while, its not because i'm avoiding you all (after all, I <3 you!! Except Lucy, obviously) its just because China is you know...a communist regime of terror and espionage. But the shopping is supposed to be damned good.


Love Tifferoo

Just tell them you're an official TK'r and I GUARANTEE they'll leave you alone. They tend to avoid crazy people :D
starguard said:
Just tell them you're an official TK'r and I GUARANTEE they'll leave you alone. They tend to avoid crazy people :D
No... they tend to shoot crazy people. Or drive over them with tanks.
I heard that Chinese people eat dogs. :(

Don't eat my dog please :(

Also, have fun, new person I dont know!
Don't eat the food!
Oh wait that's Mexico and it's water...nevermind
Have a safe journey and come back to us soon my favorite non stripper!
Just make sure you ask what it is before you eat it.

They seem to substitute rat for a lot of things...
Dog, cat, and rat...all a yes in that country...
It's okay, my mom has lived there the past two least i've got someone there to show me the ropes with that sort of thing!