In a bad, bad mood....

Friday gives Shatna a punch in the solar plexis...

That actually felt good. :bigass:

Thanks for being so accomodating. I owe ya one...big time! :D

Oh, and by the way...

People suck!!!!!
Oh, dating people who suck is just dandy. Especially those who suck well, and don't lose their, how shall I say it, rhythym (sp?)? :D
Shatna, I've been observing your behavior today. It borders on downright randy. Not that I'm complainin'. ;)

Our newest members wouldn't have anything to do with that, would they? LOL :D
Lemme put it this way - I'm nearly always randy, but for months the libido of this place has been pretty much nil, despite my attempts at orgy threads and Erotica Weeks(TM). All I'm sayin' is, it helps to have an audience who's in the mood, savvy? :D
I take it you've never seem Love Child's and my "very special threads"?

You really must visit the Mine Field more often.... :D