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In theory....(Celebrity dating)


Elder Statesman
In theory...only.

Let us say you meet a Celebrity. No, not an "A List" type person, but someone who does have name recognition, is a professional actress (and supports herself exclusively through this trade, no "day job"), maybe shows up on the entertainment gossip shows occasionally. A working professional, although maybe you didn't know it when you first met.

Now let us say you meet said celebrity, and she shows an interest. Your manner of meeting is unconventional, and may or may not be damaging to her career (hey, it's Hollywood, if your a bit on edge it might even be a good thing), so that aspect would have to remain discrete.

The question becomes one for "general dating". There would be social events to attend, an expectation that your wardrobe be upgraded, that you loose weight, etc all to just "fit in" and look "acceptable" with her at events, should they occur. There is a minor paparazzi issue (but this isn't an A-list person, so it should be minor). Who knows, with the right role, she may someday be a Big Star. If that happens, you know people more handsome and accomplished in the movie-industry than you will take notice of her.

Would you date such a person? Assume the "normal" parts of the relationship work ok. Would you put up with the issues of a minor-celebrity for the sake of attraction?

In Theory.
Sure, why not? If you truly enjoy the person's company, you should go for it. I mean, you make concessions in any relationship, right? Why would this be any different.
I'd go into it with no expectations, and enjoy it until it's not enjoyable anymore (i.e., when her expectations keep moving further and further away from reality).
You should date her and then just as she's become an international superstar, and you know you don't have a prayer of hanging on, DUMP HER ASS! That way it looks like YOU are the one who wanted out, and chicks will flock to you, cause you'll be all mysterious and aloof and shit.
You should date her and then just as she's become an international superstar, and you know you don't have a prayer of hanging on, DUMP HER ASS! That way it looks like YOU are the one who wanted out, and chicks will flock to you, cause you'll be all mysterious and aloof and shit.
Actually, no, the opposite happens. Example: Jennifer Aniston.
Date one went well.

And then we never spoke again, she had to move (NYC, actually).

Meh. Second nicest ass I'd ever seen, though.