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In this thread English Rose will impress us with her knowledge!

Graham Barker from Western Australia, has collected 15.41g of his own navel fluff since 1984

Hairs on the stomach pick up bits of fluff from the underwear and direct them towards the navel, where they gather in a ball.
Excellent! Good to know!

I always wondered why I didn't have a hole in my shirt where my bellybutton was....
Next question:

Boxers or briefs?

Followed by:

Name one favorite thing about each decade you've lived through.

boxers or briefs is a tricky one. On my hubby, briefs, on most other men briefs look 'pants' ;) so in general boxers... I think...actually it depends on the man's physique, especially the pertness of his butt and how defined his thighs are.

the 70's a purple flared catsuit and geen platform shoes
the 80's Adam Ant (how I lusted after that man)
the 90's discovering Viggo Mortensen
as for the 00's - I don't know yet

I am such a shallow person ;)
It's only the edges that are shallow. I'm sure it gets much deeper the farther one goes out. :)

"Purple flared catsuit and green platform shoes?" Now THERE's a mental image!
^ I was 7 at the time ;) I thought I looked cool, the catsuit had fuscia pink inserts in the flares (my gran made it for me)
That's cool. :)

I had to wear white, green, and orange flared plaid pants to church with navy blue patches on the knees in the 70's, while sitting in metal folding chairs and singing songs about fighting in the Lord's Army or some such.
Ok, next question:

Using the 20/20 hindsight of 'if I only knew then what I know now' what would you have done differently, if anything?
Damn that's a tricky one.

1. I wouldn't have gone further than I should have with a dear friend (I was a teenager at the time)

2. I would have studied harder (no really i would have)

3. Much as I love my children, I am not entirely convinced that having them was the right idea

4. I would have taken and passed my driving test when I was 17, not 26!

There's more - but I have to check the potatos :D
LOL! Deja vu! I didn't take my driver's license til I was 27. (Never needed to drive a car in teh Big City).
ooops - Sacred Five Minute Edit Law will not permit me to add 'test' after drivers' license .
the hypocrisy of me is I always had boyfriends who could drive and had access to cars;at least their parents', if not their own. No public transportation on a date for me!
curiousa2z said:
the hypocrisy of me is I always had boyfriends who could drive and had access to cars;at least their parents', if not their own. No public transportation on a date for me!

ditto ;)