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In this thread, Headvoid will post his thoughts on the Christmas tv advertisements

I liked Charlie Brooker's take on it "tell everyone it's a dog's head".

It's nice to see a few big budget ads like in the old days. I miss looking forward to the Woolies Winter Wonderland ads (that probably contributed to it running out of money).

Of course, it's not really Christmas until you've seen the old Toys R Us ad.

The John Lewis ad is made by thoroughly intelligent, yet alarmingly unpleasant people. As a friend of mine pointed out to me, he is fairly sure the creatives who pitched that idea not only have never met a child that age but have no idea they are actually like crack addicts.

More later when I am not tired.

(Just so everyone knows!) So I quite like that song actually, but it blatantly sounds like it's about an abusive relationship. Which seems inappropriate.

It's obviously a really well put together ad, but I agree with another thing Charlie Brooker said that the child is so unrealistically perfect that parents will secretly resent their own children who can't possibly measure up. But the boy doesn't deserve the "KILL THE JOHN LEWIS KID" Facebook pages that have no doubt popped up.
I usually walk into tesco at dinner time at work to just get some exercise, and maybe an energy drink if I am flagging, as of this week its all gone mental, and I guess it will only get worse for the next 5 weeks or so.
EVEN THOUGH they say "holidays are coming" in the Coke ad, which is an AMERICAN thing, it still sounds natural because the ad's been on for so many years.
I'd like headvoid to post his thoughts on these commercials we are subjected to EVERY YEAR WITH THE SAME LADY.


Here's a couple from last year


The first and third ones were pretty good, but the second one was both annoying and inexplicable. AND I took her advice and watched it twice!
I thought I had it, but then it all fell apart. HOPEFULLY HEADVOID CAN SOLVE THE MYSTERY.
It's not Christmas until the HESS TOY TRUCK commercial comes on. Still waiting...


It took Hess about 35 years to realize that kids may not want to play with a toy OIL TANKER so much as they might a race car or jet.

In another 10 years, it will be the HESS SOLAR/ELECTRIC E-BOOKMOBILE.
Yeah, a lot of money's been spent on them this year. The only time I see adverts is during the X Factor, but I usually have the sound off in case there's a stupid meercat ad, so they all look like very elaborate mime acts to me.