In this thread you will inspire me with tales of your creativity.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
What have you wrought?

Post art, thoughts, witticisms, criticisms, stories, jokes, passionate adventures, erotic dreams, and unlikely scenarios here. A-muse me.

Celebrate beauty. Celebrate life.


Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Everyday, write about something beautiful in your life.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Doodle. Love freely.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Smile. Flirt. Tease.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Believe. Become. Be.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands

There is beauty in everything.
There is beauty in everything you do.
There is beauty in you.

Don't take things so seriously.


What the heck. I'll post some of my photos.

This was an overcast day on Lake Washington:



A long exposure of the escalators at Seattle's Convention Center. I like the ghost effect the long exposure has on the people passing through.


Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Morrhigan, those are great! Very nice! You are a very good photographer! I recognize the large structure of Gasworks Park from the movie Singles (or maybe just the images included with the soundtrack... it's been so long since I've seen the movie I don't recall if it was in there or not.) I really like the "overcast day on Lake Washington" but all of them are superb! Thanks for posting those!

And you're right, that "ghost effect" is super cool!


Thanks, guys!

It's been ages since I saw Singles. That had a lot of uniquely Seattle things in it. Cool film. :)

The Question

Well... I don't think anyone besides another AI coder would find this beautiful, but...

rem *** Battle of Orel 1943 ***

rem *** Bot support by HDN ***

rem ***Updated to Ballistik Spec for Intensity by Legion***

rem *** Create Strategies ***

aiStrategy.createStrategy spread
aiStrategy.Aggression 1.0
aiStrategy.NumberOfAttacks 4
aiStrategy.NumberOfDefences 0
aiStrategy.TimeLimit 200
aiStrategy.setPrerequisite spreadPrereq
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier ControlPoint 4.0 Neutral
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier ControlPoint 8.0 Hostile
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier Safe 0.2 Owned
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNDefensivePos 0.1
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNControlPoint 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNTransportation 1.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendArtillery 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendArtillery All 2.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundFixed 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundFixed All 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundMobile 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundMobile All 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNHostileGround 5.0

aiStrategy.createStrategy windmill
aiStrategy.Aggression 1.0
aiStrategy.NumberOfAttacks 2
aiStrategy.NumberOfDefences 0
aiStrategy.TimeLimit 120
aiStrategy.setPrerequisite windmillPrereq
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier East 6.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNDefensivePos 0.1
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNControlPoint 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNTransportation 1.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendArtillery 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendArtillery All 2.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundFixed 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundFixed All 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundMobile 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundMobile All 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNHostileGround 5.0

aiStrategy.createStrategy town
aiStrategy.Aggression 1.0
aiStrategy.NumberOfAttacks 3
aiStrategy.NumberOfDefences 0
aiStrategy.TimeLimit 120
aiStrategy.setPrerequisite townPrereq
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier North 6.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNDefensivePos 0.1
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNControlPoint 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNTransportation 1.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendArtillery 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendArtillery All 2.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundFixed 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundFixed All 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundMobile 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundMobile All 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNHostileGround 5.0

aiStrategy.createStrategy trainyard
aiStrategy.Aggression 1.0
aiStrategy.NumberOfAttacks 3
aiStrategy.NumberOfDefences 0
aiStrategy.TimeLimit 120
aiStrategy.setPrerequisite trainyardPrereq
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier West 6.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNDefensivePos 0.1
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNControlPoint 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNTransportation 1.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendArtillery 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendArtillery All 2.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundFixed 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundFixed All 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundMobile 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundMobile All 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNHostileGround 5.0

aiStrategy.createStrategy cleanUp
aiStrategy.Aggression 1.0
aiStrategy.NumberOfAttacks 2
aiStrategy.NumberOfDefences 0
aiStrategy.setPrerequisite cleanUpPrereq
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier Front 3.0 Owned
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier ControlPoint 8.0 Hostile
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier ControlPoint 6.0 Neutral
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNDefensivePos 0.1
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNControlPoint 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNTransportation 1.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendArtillery 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendArtillery All 2.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundFixed 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundFixed All 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundMobile 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundMobile All 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNHostileGround 5.0

aiStrategy.createStrategy gotAllCPs
aiStrategy.Aggression 1.0
aiStrategy.NumberOfAttacks 1
aiStrategy.NumberOfDefences 2
aiStrategy.setPrerequisite allCPsPrereq
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier Front 5.0 Owned
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier Base 8.0 Hostile
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNDefensivePos 0.1
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNControlPoint 0.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNTransportation 0.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendArtillery 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendArtillery All 2.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundFixed 2.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundFixed All 2.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundMobile 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundMobile All 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNHostileGround 5.0

aiStrategy.createStrategy breakOut
aiStrategy.Aggression 1.0
aiStrategy.NumberOfAttacks 2
aiStrategy.NumberOfDefences 0
aiStrategy.setPrerequisite breakOutPrereq
aiStrategy.setStrategicObjectsModifier ControlPoint 6.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNDefensivePos 0.1
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNControlPoint 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNTransportation 1.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendArtillery 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendArtillery All 2.5
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundFixed 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundFixed All 1.75
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNFriendGroundMobile 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifierCombatStrength TTNFriendGroundMobile All 2.0
aiStrategy.setTreeModifier TTNHostileGround 5.0

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
I remember you posting that once before, TQ. Probably down in the Minefield. I'm guessing this is some sort of "fun" code for a game you play. (1943?) What does it do?


Staff member
BF1944, and it looks like its a serious realism code for AI soldiers and weapons.

Or something. I used to code a couple of years back but I didn't have a passion for it.