Troll Kingdom

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Instead of sending out the pro's........


They sent out this chick who was the lamest yet!!!! Yep!! it's me..................JillyB!!
I had to come back to tell you guys of the latest scam these LAMOs tried to run on me. You might be able to run a game on me on the internet for a while, but do you really think you can do it in real life???????


I suspected this chick after I made my first trip to the Ghetto. I came back to da homey, called my sis and said.......................I don't think this chick has ever sold a house in her life even though she has been in da biz for 10-15 years (her story)!!!! Hell.............she couldn't even find her way around a small area of the city!! I would have at least made a dry run before trying to take a client out!! especially if you are trying to troll them!!!! Then there was the office scenario where she wasn't familiar with a contract, jammed the copy machine (anyone who works in an office knows how to fix the copy machine) and after the sale hasn't worked a day since!!! She must have made a bunch of money on me..................that's what I am thinkin'!!!!

Anyway...................the game came to a head Friday night. It got so lame I couldn't take it anymore!!! may have pulled it off on your own but we all know she came up with the lame plan that finally pissed me off and made me decide to bitchslap the dumb Hoe!! Fuck!!! get a BETTER playah if you are gonna run a game. Same for you Mike. Give me a challenge.

This Shit is WEAK!!!!
Oh yeah...................I have tried to get this message across to all of you--don't lie unless you have a damn good memory. Anyone who lies always gets tripped up.................especially when they lie to JillyB!!! she on top of her game!!

yours too!!

Want to hear the story that brought it to an abrupt halt??? I started having a little fun with it after I moved here, then I realized they were listening to this chick and going along with her game plan and that is when I knew they were all amateurs.

I will check back later to see if I can log in.

no................really.............I am serious about this whole thing. Not only did she try to set me up, she set up three other guys. She was probably telling them she had everything under control and her gameplan was airtight and they were believing everything she told them.

Moral to this Story:

Do not send a Woman in to do a Man's job.
k...........I am gonna dumb this down for everyone. See the post made by Jane on 9/24/06??? yep..........on 10/01/06..........this HO and her married boyfriend tried an even more daring covert operation on me!!!! I shit you not!!! It was bad enough I called da Ho out on her stupid human trick at the bar with Jon..........she was so nervous she started HIDING when I said I am finished with this amateur act, you people are more than lame........I am out of here. All of this lamegame while I was in the middle of a HUGEASS move 1000 miles away!!!!!
The icing on the cake was when I called her out AGAIN.....for the 50th time and she declared Divine Intervention.....this is G*d's Way!!. She had the craziest look on her face when she did this too!!! at that point I knew I was dealing with a crazyass chick who could be capable of anything. You people are truly messed up. A lot of people could go down because of your stupid people tricks.


I am sending a copy of my new book ...........*How to do Covert Operation tricks without being caught by a dumb blonde*
Sure did Sarek. After dealing with all YOU criminals, it is a wonder I am sane. Since you decided to pop in is something for you.........tell that lowclass bitch this:

When I changed my phone# and didn't tell you, it was for a reason. When I cleared out enough space in my garage so I could park in it........I did so because I didn't want you to know I was at home. When you came screeching into the hood 17 hours after I changed my phone# and ran over my garbage can that was FULL, glass was shattered on the road, my neighbors were looking out of their windows, they axed later who you were. I told them it was some lowclass, Ho, realtor who was stalking me, trying to run a game.
Then..........when you scolded me for not telling you I changed my # I was like..........WTF?????? did I forget to report for duty or something???? When I kept calling you out on the game and you kept ignoring me, I lost my patience with you. ColdwellBanker could be implicated, you engaged in criminal behavoir and activity so the next time you try to elicit sympathy from the idiots (like Gagh......who said he still loves you) over on this board, I suggest you tell them the real story instead of your bullshit lies. Of course, these guys would fall for your game...............not surprizing.
I had such hopes for you. All dashed like your brain cells against against a bottle of Bacardi.


Shut the fuck up Jillian.
Sarek said:
I had such hopes for you. All dashed like your brain cells against against a bottle of Bacardi.


Shut the fuck up Jillian.

After I saw you didn't have a dick, I had ZILCH hope for you. Speaking of should think about the lame game you tried to run Ron.

Ron the dickless truckdriver. Strap on on if you insist on staying on match.........otherwise, you will become a laughingstock.

You already are.