Interesting take on Israel's tantrum.

The Question

Eternal said:
How Many More Nations Will Israel Attack?
by Ian Mosley

For decades, thoughtful and intelligent observers have been predicting some kind of major meltdown in the Middle East. It may be beginning this month. Several weeks ago, Palestinian militants captured an Israeli soldier and demanded the release of Palestinian women and children held by Israel. Israel had two choices to make: They could admit the Palestinians outfoxed them this one time and release the women and children or they could behave like an 800 lb gorilla smashing things and throwing a fit. They -of course- chose the latter. It’s entirely possible the Israelis were waiting for an “incident” so that they could launch a major punitive attack against the Palestinians in Gaza to get back at the Arabs for voting for Hamas.


Destroyed Bridge --In violation of Geneva Convention protecting civilian infrastructure

Since the attack on Gaza, two more Israeli soldiers have been captured in the north near Lebanon. Israel has responded by launching a major attack on Lebanon –even bombing their airport. At least twelve Israeli soldiers have died trying to rescue the three Israeli prisoners. Clearly Israel would have been better off releasing the Palestinian women and children prisoners rather than launching these attacks. But blind hatred seems to trump a rational response every time.

The Zionists want a permanent state of war between Jews and Arabs. They also want to drive all the Palestinians out of Gaza. What better way to get people to move than to destroy their power station and deprive them of air conditioning in the summer? The Geneva Convention prohibits the wanton destruction of civilian infrastructure (such as the power station and three major bridges Israel destroyed in Gaza) but nothing will be done to punish the bandit state of Israel since the Israeli Lobby tells our government what to do. A UN resolution against Israel has once again been blocked by a sole vote from the US.

What we see happening in the Holy Land today is not simply another intifada, where Palestinian youths with nothing but guts, rocks and Molotov cocktails take on the Israeli arsenal of American-made and American paid-for tanks, jets, helicopter gunships, missiles and other heavy weapons. As Israel bombed various parts of Lebanon, the Muslims responded with missiles that reached 43 miles into Israel and a possibly home-made anti-ship missile struck an Israeli warship, setting it on fire with four Israeli sailors missing. On top of this, the Israelis lost one of their “invincible” M1 Abrams tanks as they advanced into Lebanon. If the Muslims keep upgrading their weapons, the Israelis may eventually be forced to behave like a civilized nation.

Israel is screaming hysterical threats at Iran, claiming (without evidence of any kind) that Hezbollah is moving two captured Israeli soldiers to Iran. This fits in neatly with the oft-proclaimed goal of invading or bombing Iran. Americans have been told hundreds of times that Iran wants to make nuclear weapons. The truth is that Iran has uranium deposits and developing nuclear power makes perfect economic sense for them.

To process uranium to use in reactors, it has to be enriched. The neocons and Fox News have been telling Americans that the low-level enrichment of uranium for reactors is no different from the much higher enrichment needed for nuclear weapons. The high-level enrichment can take ten to twenty years of additional effort. The enrichment is dependent on the number of high speed centrifuges that Iran has bought from the West and there are monitoring agencies in place to make sure Iran does not start making an atomic bomb. There are dozens of nations with nuclear reactors, but only a handful have gone on to make nuclear bombs. The raving by Bush and Condoleezza Rice about an imaginary Iranian nuclear threat to the United States in order to prep for an invasion doesn’t seem to be getting much traction in Congress or with the American people.

The fact is that ever since the Western nations, in collusion with international Jewry, imposed the artificial bandit state of Israel on the Arab world and hijacked a small strip of land containing some of Islam’s holiest sites, the Middle East has been a powder keg waiting to explode. For many years after the establishment of Israel in 1948, the “wiser heads” in the West always assumed that the Arabs would settle down, allow themselves to be bought off with running water and Burger Kings and Coca Cola, and accept their relegation to the status of serfs in their own land. That hasn’t happened. Whatever else one may say about the Arabs, they never give up. Sixty years after America and the United Nations jammed Israel down their throat, they’re still resisting.

Add to this the fact that the violence in Iraq continues. Stir into the mix a gang of blood-crazed Israeli murderers who seem to have been literally driven insane by their inability to crush the hated Arabs, and finally top it all off with a drunken moron in the White House with the attention span of a house fly and the IQ of a grape basing his every move on whatever words Karl Rove whispers into the little electronic box under his jacket–and we have the makings of a world class mess on our hands.

Add to this the fact that the violence in Iraq continues. Stir into the mix a gang of blood-crazed Israeli murderers who seem to have been literally driven insane by their inability to crush the hated Arabs, and finally top it all off with a drunken moron in the White House with the attention span of a house fly and the IQ of a grape basing his every move on whatever words Karl Rove whispers into the little electronic box under his jacket–and we have the makings of a world class mess on our hands.

So true.
The Israeli response was not a knee jerk response. They've been waiting for an excuse - any excuse - and the latest events in the Middle East with the kidnapping of two of their soldiers and a couple potato powered rockets gave them all the excuse they needed.

They did it when The Yanks invaded Afghanistan as well. If the 'yanks are allowed to invade their terrorists then we will do the same. Yes, a few sanctions were laid down on them but nothing meaningful. And of course Israrel has a free card to play whenever they kick off. They are totally supported by America and they can literally get away with murder. It just depends how far it's going to go this time, volatile isn't the even the word.
Newt Gingrich is right: We're teetering on the brink of World War III, and the next few weeks will determine the world's course of action.
If the US were hit by rocket attacks and had some citizens kidnapped we'd be doing a hell of a lot worse.

Israel is just supposed to take it because that's the state of the world over there?

Fuck that.
Ian Mosley wrote:

For decades, thoughtful and intelligent observers have been predicting some kind of major meltdown in the Middle East. It may be beginning this month. Several weeks ago, Palestinian militants captured an Israeli soldier and demanded the release of Palestinian women and children held by Israel.

What sort of fool is Ian Mosley to think of this as an inevitable "meltdown"? Clearly Syria and Iran saw an opportunity to exert their influence by goading Israel into military action in Lebanon. Nothing new there, arab surrogates spend a little money on arms and funding of terrorists, and they get the payoff of world condemnation of Israel.

Since the attack on Gaza, two more Israeli soldiers have been captured in the north near Lebanon. ... Clearly Israel would have been better off releasing the Palestinian women and children prisoners rather than launching these attacks.

Clearly any country that gives in to terrorism invites more terrorism, more kidnappings. What a dunce.

The Zionists want a permanent state of war between Jews and Arabs. They also want to drive all the Palestinians out of Gaza.

They could have done that years, if not decades ago.

The Geneva Convention prohibits the wanton destruction of civilian infrastructure (such as the power station and three major bridges Israel destroyed in Gaza) but nothing will be done to punish the bandit state of Israel since the Israeli Lobby tells our government what to do.

What does the Geneva convention say about Israeli soldiers being taken hostage and then murdered in a dark alley? Fool.

A UN resolution against Israel has once again been blocked by a sole vote from the US.

Yep. If the Palestinians were running things there, do you think they'd give a damn what America wants? Israel is our friend in the area, the Palestians danced in the streets with joy on 9/11!

Israel is screaming hysterical threats at Iran, claiming (without evidence of any kind) that Hezbollah is moving two captured Israeli soldiers to Iran.

Hezbollah was created and is currently funded by Iran. I guess next you'll tell us that there was no evidence the Soviet Union funded and put Castro in power. Why, there's no evidence!

The raving by Bush and Condoleezza Rice about an imaginary Iranian nuclear threat to the United States in order to prep for an invasion doesn’t seem to be getting much traction in Congress or with the American people.

Nothing Rice has said "preps" for an invasion of Iran. Where would we get the 500,000 additional American troops? This guy is clueless.

The fact is that ever since the Western nations, in collusion with international Jewry, imposed the artificial bandit state of Israel on the Arab world and hijacked a small strip of land containing some of Islam’s holiest sites, the Middle East has been a powder keg waiting to explode.

Why is it an imposition to have the Jews running a tiny strip of land along the Mediterranean? They've certainly made a beautiful and prosperous country in what was formerly a dead wasteland that looked like Syria, Egypt, Jordan, or Lebanon. When the Arabs can build an Oasis out of their miserable fly-ridden dumps, then they can make claims about being able to run Israel better than the current government. :)

Whatever else one may say about the Arabs, they never give up. Sixty years after America and the United Nations jammed Israel down their throat, they’re still resisting.

So resisting means non-stop invasions since the 1940s by all surrounding Arab dictatorships, with an overwhelming advantage in manpower? This Mosely has to be an incredibly deluded fellow to think of the Arab countries surrounding Israel on all sides as the heroic resistance and underdogs!

Truth is, none of the Arab countries surrounding Israel have ever offered a finger to the Palestinians living in their countries because they don't like them and don't want them settling permanently in their countries. Instead of really helping the Palestinians they keep them unhappy and pissed at Israel as a bargaining tool. And that's the real tragedy, the Palestinians are used by their "brother" arabs as a tool against Israel. Precisely as this war is demonstrating today.

Israel is doing the right thing, and the arab dictatorships do nothing because this is precisely what they want to see done to the Palestinians. As they have, decade after decade.

Add to this the fact that the violence in Iraq continues.

What does that stupid statement mean? Syria and Iran are funding the insurgents in Iraq, Syria and Iran are funding Hezbollah. Just because Mosley is too stupid to connect the dots doesn't mean the rest of us are as dumb.

Stir into the mix a gang of blood-crazed Israeli murderers who seem to have been literally driven insane by their inability to crush the hated Arabs, and finally top it all off with a drunken moron in the White House with the attention span of a house fly and the IQ of a grape basing his every move on whatever words Karl Rove whispers into the little electronic box under his jacket–and we have the makings of a world class mess on our hands.

Mosley should check the latest press release of Al Queda, he just precisely mirrored their own rhetoric. Ian Mosley, the best friend of Al Queda, and Islamic Terrorism. Thanks but no thanks!

But why take my word for it? Let's read what someone who is truly informed about the struggle for Freedom in the Middle East has to say:

Israel’s Moment, the Free World’s Gain
We are all Israelis now.
By Larry Kudlow
July 17, 2006, 7:51 a.m.

All of us in the free world owe Israel an enormous thank-you for defending freedom, democracy, and security against the Iranian cat’s-paw wholly-owned terrorist subsidiaries Hezbollah and Hamas. Israel is doing the Lord’s work. They are defending their own homeland and very existence, but they are also defending America’s homeland as our frontline democratic ally in the Middle East. Commentary’s Norman Podhoretz was exactly right when he coined the term World War IV to describe the global terror conflict. Repeatedly hostile actions by the totalitarians in Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, and North Korea are all connected. So are the recently foiled terrorist-cell-block plans in Canada, the U.S., London, and elsewhere around the globe. We are fortunate to have a staunch ally like Israel to assist us in this fight.

As Ben Stein recently put it, “God bless Eretz Israel. God bless Israel for having the cojones to stand up for herself.” But supporters of freedom and democracy must also say a prayer for President George W. Bush, who has steadfastly stood up for Israel. He outright refuses to publicly ask Israel to stand down.

As expected, France, Spain, and Italy have responded to recent events with pacifist posturing. In the smoking rooms of Western Europe and around the coffee tables of the United Nations, we hear more lofty calls for restraint. But the terrorist groups that started this fight have shown no restraint. Rather than pull back, Israel should move forward, cleaning out all the terrorist sanctuaries, training camps, weapons caches, and missile systems it can find.

Remember, it was Israel that pulled out of southern Lebanon and Gaza. Later, when terrorist gangs kidnapped Israeli soldiers, Israel appropriately fought back. That is what sovereign nations do, and Israel’s recent military actions deserve our unyielding support. Israel has the right to put the terrorist armies of Hezbollah and Hamas out of business.

Importantly, so called moderate Arab governments Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Dubai, and the United Arab Emirates are not taking the Hezbollah or Hamas side. This is undoubtedly a function of the American effort in Iraq, where a forward beachhead has been established for liberalization and representative government. No matter how difficult that effort remains, the center of gravity in much of the Middle East is shifting away from totalitarianism and toward some form of homegrown democracy.

And we cannot delude ourselves about the role of Iran in recent Middle East events. Iran sent Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel in the hope of inflaming the Middle East against Israel and the United States. The plan was to divert attention away from G-8 and UN sanction efforts to derail Iran’s nuclear weaponization program. Iran miscalculated.

Israel’s next front may indeed be Syria, which is also directed by Iran and is a safe haven for terrorists — including former Saddam Baathists and others who move freely between Syria and Iraq in order to cause trouble. Many experts still believe that Syria is safe-harboring Saddam’s unfound inventory of weapons of mass destruction.

According to news reports out of London, senior Pentagon sources say Israel has given Syria 72 hours to bring about the release of the IDF troops kidnapped by Hezbollah. Many strategists also believe Israel should clean out the numerous missile sites, military camps, and terrorist sanctuaries that exist in Syria. It is doubtful the U.S. will interfere. Now is the time to really put the squeeze on Syria’s dictator, Baby Assad.

Back at home, doomsayers are virtually blaming Israel for higher oil prices, slumping stocks, and a potential recession. But there will be no recession. The jittery oil-price jump is a short-term event, and when military actions are completed in the Middle East, prices will plummet. If need be, the U.S. can tap into 688 million barrels of strategic oil reserves, at least two months of import protection. And if Iran attempts to stop the oil flow in the Strait of Hormuz, it will take the U.S. and Israel about 35 minutes to knock out the entire Iranian navy and air force.

Recession? American businesses have never been healthier or more profitable. Lower tax rates have spurred a tremendous boom in private investment, while new job hires continue to lift family incomes. Today’s wartime uncertainty and geopolitical risk will not turn these fundamentals around. Indeed, strong world economic growth will continue, spurred by the spread of the very-American-style free-market capitalism that the Axis of Evil and its terrorist divisions are unsuccessfully trying to overthrow.

When the dust clears the world will applaud Israel for its courage. Sensible freedom-loving people everywhere will realize that Israel’s furious response in the face of senseless terrorist attacks will have made the world a better place.

In fact, we are all Israelis now.

© National Review Online 2006-2007. All Rights Reserved.
What a surprise, the "dean" of the Washington Press Corps has the same attitude regarding Israel and Hezbollah. Newsbusters caught this hilarious exchange between White House Spokesman Tony Snow and UPI's Helen Thomas:

Tony Snow Quips to Helen Thomas: 'Thank You for the Hezbollah View'
Posted by Greg Sheffield on July 18, 2006 - 18:34.

During Today's press briefing, press secretary Tony Snow had another testy exchange with Helen Thomas.

"Well, thank you for the Hezbollah view."

"Please let me finish. I know this is great entertainment," said the press secretary.

Helen Thomas kept bringing up an imaginary cease-fire, to which Snow finally remarked, "All right, this is hectoring now," and moved on to another questioner.

Outside the Beltway has the video.

Here's the transcript:

HELEN THOMAS: The United States is not that helpless. It could have stopped the bombardment of Lebanon. We have that much control with the Israelis.

MR. SNOW: I don't think so, Helen.

HELEN THOMAS: We have gone for collective punishment against all of Lebanon and Palestine.

TONY SNOW: What's interesting, Helen --

HELEN THOMAS: And this is what's happening, and that's the perception of the United States.

TONY SNOW: Well, thank you for the Hezbollah view, but I would encourage you --

HELEN THOMAS: Nobody is accepting your explanation. What is restraint, a call for restraint?

TONY SNOW: Well, I'll tell you, what's interesting, Helen, is people have. The G8 was completely united on this. And as you know, when it comes to issues of --

HELEN THOMAS: And we stopped a cease-fire -- why?

TONY SNOW: We didn't stop a cease-fire. I'll tell you what --

HELEN THOMAS: We vetoed --

TONY SNOW: We didn't even veto. Please get your facts right. What happened was that the G8 countries made a pretty clear determination that the guilty party here was Hezbollah. You cannot have a cease-fire when you've got the leader of Hezbollah going on his television saying that he perceives total war -- he's declaring total war. When they are firing rockets indiscriminately --

HELEN THOMAS: We had the United Nations --

TONY SNOW: Please let me finish. I know this is great entertainment, but I want to finish the answer. The point here is they're firing rockets indiscriminately into civilian areas. The Israelis are responding as they see fit. You will note the countries that disagree with the --

HELEN THOMAS: -- bombardment of a whole country --

TONY SNOW: -- that disagree with the government of Israel in terms of its general approach on Palestine, many of our European allies agree that Israel has the right to defend itself, that the government of Lebanon has the right to control all its territory, that Hezbollah is responsible and that those who support it also bear responsibility. There is no daylight between the United States and all the allies on this. They all agreed on it. This was not difficult --

HELEN THOMAS: At that point, why did we veto a cease-fire?

TONY SNOW: We didn't veto a cease-fire.

HELEN THOMAS: Yes, we did.

TONY SNOW: No, we didn't. There was -- there was no cease-fire. I'm sorry --

HELEN THOMAS: Wasn't there a resolution?



TONY SNOW: No -- no. You know what you've -- I see what you -- what happened was that there was conversation about "a cease-fire" that was picked up by some of the microphones when some colorful language made its way into the airwaves yesterday. And the President was continuing a conversation he'd had earlier with Prime Minister Tony Blair about staging. Would we like a cease-fire? You bet, absolutely. We would love to see a cease-fire. But the way you stage is that you make sure that the people who started this fight -- Hezbollah -- take their responsibility --

HELEN THOMAS: There was no veto at the U.N.?

TONY SNOW: No, there hasn't been a resolution at the VN -- U.N., whatever it is. (Laughter.) There hasn't been -- I was in Germany too long. There's been no resolution at the U.N.

HELEN THOMAS: Why aren't we proposing a truce, no matter who is to blame? At least stop the killing.

TONY SNOW: Because it wouldn't stop the killing. What it would do is it would say to the killers, you win.

HELEN THOMAS: Might save lives.

TONY SNOW: No, I don't think so. And I'm glad you raised this. You do not want to engage in a cease-fire that has a practical -- when you say to the Israelis, you guys just stop firing, when you have Hezbollah saying, we're going to wage total war, because Hezbollah would read that as vindication of its tactics, and the idea that if you get the right sort of videos on television, and you get the right things going on, you can allow them to behave with impunity. Even though they are weakening the sovereign government of Lebanon, they are acting independently; even though they have --

HELEN THOMAS: And bombarding Lebanon --

TONY SNOW: Even though they have received --

HELEN THOMAS: -- wipes out infrastructure.

TONY SNOW: All right, this is hectoring now.
Well, all of that is some pretty interesting fluff, but the fact remains that Israel are, in fact, the ones who started this whole thing.

They started attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza on the pretext of one captured soldier.

They started attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure in Lebanon over two captured soldiers. Now here's the thing you probably haven't heard on CNN or C-SPAN: Israel has engaged in prisoner exchanges in the past, often enough that to do so again now would have been nothing at all out of the ordinary.

These captured soldiers were nothing more than a pretext, probably for two things in Gaza:

1. To punish the Palestinians for voting in Hamas government, and
2. To take back, under the banner of "security", the land Ariel Sharon withdrew them from.

As far as Lebanon, Israel's been harrassing, attacking and invading them since the '50s. Nothing new.
The Question stated:

They started attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza on the pretext of one captured soldier.

Well you may not give a shit about one soldier, but the state of Israel has made it plain they will level every town to get one or two soldiers back, intact. And I happen to agree with them, and so does my president.
Ogami said:
The Question stated:

They started attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza on the pretext of one captured soldier.

Well you may not give a shit about one soldier, but the state of Israel has made it plain they will level every town to get one or two soldiers back, intact. And I happen to agree with them, and so does my president.

Oh, I give a shit about their one soldier. But I also acknowledge that they have a prior history of prisoner exchanges -- if they were genuinely violating-the-Geneva-Convention acting-like-a-terrorist-group-themselves crazy pissed over that one soldier, they would have been just as violating-the-Geneva-Convention acting-like-a-terrorist-group-themselves crazy pissed every other time this has happened, and they weren't.

Analogy time:

Your little brother tugs on your sleeve and you give him a piece of candy. This happens every month for 50 years.

Now your little brother put up a poster on his bedroom wall that you don't like. He tugs on your sleeve and you beat him to death with a ballpeen hammer, chop his corpse up into kibble and feed it to the dog.

Now, then. Was the tug on your sleeve the provocation, or was it that he pissed you off with that poster?
Whine whine whine...

People get tired of being shit on.

Israel has shown a remarkable restraint at our behest for years.

The ragheads want to tempt fate and continue down that road, they're welcome to do that, but it won't be without it's price. If they don't want to the consequences then they need to stop the shit they're doing, or in the case of Lebanon/Syria/Iran, they need to stop supporting these fucking terrorists.

Otherwise... fuck them all...
The Question wrote:

Now, then. Was the tug on your sleeve the provocation, or was it that he pissed you off with that poster?

That tug on the sleeve is an Israeli soldier being kidnapped off to certain torture, certain death. Do not respond eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Instead, return it a thousand-fold. Make it plain to the terrorist enemy that even one innocent soldier's life is worth more than their thousands of lives put together!

Ogami said:
The Question wrote:

Now, then. Was the tug on your sleeve the provocation, or was it that he pissed you off with that poster?

That tug on the sleeve is an Israeli soldier being kidnapped off to certain torture, certain death. Do not respond eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Instead, return it a thousand-fold. Make it plain to the terrorist enemy that even one innocent soldier's life is worth more than their thousands of lives put together!


Which, again, makes Israel the monster, since what they wanted to trade that adult male soldier for were women and children.
Anyway, 'innocent soldier' seems a contradiction. The risk of capture or death comes with a uniform and a gun -- doesn't seem right that it should come with housework or schoolwork, though, does it?
Fucking libs...

Anyone in the military threatens you don't they?

The risk of capture or death is always a possibility for any soldier IN WAR!!!

If this in fact a war then the Israelis are perfectly justified in fighting it.

BTW the Geneva convention bullshit doesn't apply to Israel for the same reason it doesn't apply to the US... (despite the crock of shit the Supreme Court dishes out)

Uniformed combatants... They aren't... They are terrorists...

Sorry, not covered.