Iraq is Bush's Reflection Pond


New member
Martial law is not liberation. Baghdad has been in a state of virtual lockdown since thousands of American Occupation Forces (AOF) were deployed to the city in a futile attempt to establish security. In the last two months, the number of dead appearing at the Baghdad morgue has skyrocketed; nearly 6,600 Iraqis brutally tortured and killed in July and August alone. In terms of population, this is the equivalent of 79,200 American casualties. Simply put, it is a massacre. Still, the AOF continues to execute its bloody mission with impunity regardless of the horrific cost.

More 'progress' in Iraq.
Kekfa wrote:

nearly 6,600 Iraqis brutally tortured and killed in July and August alone. In terms of population, this is the equivalent of 79,200 American casualties. Simply put, it is a massacre. Still, the AOF continues to execute its bloody mission with impunity regardless of the horrific cost.

Please show this to as many voters as possible. I want them to see the treason and America-hating of the evil left. These people hate America with a greater passion than any islamic terrorist. And the best part is, you don't have to go by anything I say to prove it, just read the left's own words!

Yeah, SURE they support the troops! What a fucking laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I may just bump this thread through election day. How often have we read about the Democrats supporting the troops, when we all know this sort of hate is what they really think of the American soldier?

Thanks, Kekfa. Even I could not have suspected the left hated our soldiers this much. Thanks for providing links to what the American left is really like, even I had no idea they were this far gone into the realm of insanity! Wow.

Look at the hate of that article: Sarek, you defend this? Question, you defend this? Mentalist, you defend this? Rafterman, you defend this? This is the side you people chose to put yourselves on? And I'm the one told I'm I a dummy and extreme! LOL
