IRL trolling


Let's fuck some shit up
Tell stories about times that you trolled people in real life. I'll start.

When I lived in Italy I eventually blended in with the locals, because I dressed and spoke like them and all my friends were Italian.

Well, we'd normally hang out in heavily-touristed areas waiting for easy women to show up. Trust me, there's nothing hornier than a college student on vacation in Europe. Anyway, my favorite pastime was giving old, snobbish, fat american people the wrong directions into the bad part of town whenever I saw them being rude to the locals. Or I'd give them bad advice on how not to get robbed by gypsies.

In my time on deployment with the Army overseas about eight months in, I broke protocol for an entire week and called everyone by their first names and only saluted the Sergeants instead of the officers. The week after that, I would only address the Captain of our company with a pirate accent and demeanor. I convinced half the company to do the same. I took the commander's vehicle and rolled it into the middle of a 100 foot by 100 foot drainage area that was two feet deep using my hummer and then drove mine out. I then told the captain that nobody had moored his ship properly and it had drifted from the docks. I then came up with a new personality disorder each week for the next two months. I think the final straw was pretending to be a really queeny gay guy, taking all the (required) patches off my uniform "because they clashed" and started hitting on a colonel.

My platoon sergeant was a real dick at all times, so I was constantly ignorant on purpose. For example, he asked me to fill five ten gallon water containers, so I filled them with sand, because he didn't specify what to fill them with. He asked me to put gas in the humvee one time. I asked him if he was sure. He said yes. So I did. Problem is, they run on diesel.

Haven't done a lot involving police though. Besides the fact that a buddy of mine is a cop and he constantly gets me free beer and weed that he takes off the high school kids. He'll sit down and drink the beer and smoke the weed with me, too.
I trolled the police before. That's fun. :laugh:

I got busted for some stupid shit one day. Got pulled over for stickers out, and the cop had a real attitude. When I insisted that he tell me why he stopped me, he refused, then pulled me out of the car. He asked if he could search the car, and I politely said no, sorry-- not without a warrant. At that point, he slapped the cuffs on me and shoved me into the squad car. At that point, he informed me that I was under arrest and that he now had reason to search.

Long story short-- as he was driving me to jail (for no known reason at this point), I slipped out of the cuffs. I'm a skinny rail, and the cuffs were loose even on the smallest setting so I easily got them off. I kept my hands behind my back and just held onto the cuffs, and since I had a big heavy winter coat on, he never noticed that I had the cuffs off.

When we got into the jail and in front of the whole morning crew AND jail trustys, the cop came behind me to unlock the cuffs. I just held the cuffs way up high where everyone could see, grinned, and asked the cop, "Looking for these??" EVERYONE started laughing at that cop!

He was NOT happy.

Oh, and I was released shortly after that... but that was NOTHING compared to a recent police troll that I had best not mention in public quite yet... let's jsut say it involved several squad cars, a few phone calls, some blocked streets and a helicopter search. :pop2:


RIP Karl 1991-2014
I wore a gas mask and fallout suit getup and chased after cars in the Target parking lot once.


Let's fuck some shit up
I hate getting pulled over by dick cops. Normally, if I get pulled over I'm really nice about it. I'll pick a spot away from traffic so he doesn't have to worry about getting hit and I'll hang my keys out the window and have my other hand on the steering wheel by the time he gets to me. But, one time the guy looked at me (long hair and a bushy beard wearing a Tool hoodie and a military issue coat with my patches and shit still on it!) and started giving me attitude and swearing at me. He kept asking if I had anything in the car that "wasn't supposed to be there." He must've asked me at least ten times and all the while giving me attitude and swearing at me. On the 11th time he asked me I said to him, "hey, the dead hooker and the five kilos of blow in the trunk are supposed to be there. If you find anything else, you can keep it."

At which point he said he was going to search my car. He didn't state a reason for doing so, either. Which as my cop friend explained to me once, you must always get a cop to state their reason for suspicion before they search your car. If they don't, they have performed an illegal search and anything yielded in that search is moot. So, I let him spend an hour (mind you, this is late november in PA around midnight, it's fucking cold) searching my car. He didn't find a thing.

At that point I handed him my VA card and explained to him that I was gonna own his badge for the illegal search he just performed on my car and all the swearing and attitude he gave a polite, overly-cooperative veteran, which I knew his cruiser was recording. He still gave me the ticket.

The next day, I called his department and explained the situation to them. Again, police protocol (at least in PA) is that if someone calls and complains about you, you have to be "monitored closely" for two weeks. Which means he has to have an IA guy up his ass for two weeks.

I disputed the ticket, and explained everything to the judge and had the tape shown, displaying his terrible behavior. I had my police friend come with me just for added weight on my side. My attorney (who was well worth the $100 I paid him) was awesome and got me off.

As we were leaving the courtroom, I asked if he enjoyed his IA investigation, gave him the finger and walked off.


Let's fuck some shit up
I've hung outside recruiters' offices giving people rational reasons not to join the army, and kept one office empty for an entire day. Meanwhile, I explain to college students why they should join and take them down to the same recruiting office I harassed.


Un Banned
Oh boy have I trolled IRL.

I was really bad with it when younger, especially in H.S.

Pretending to be somebody & something I wasn't.

Not fake name. Fake persona.

Fake mentality presented too. Faker.

It was great when 1 day senior year this really hot gorgeous chick owned & pwned my ass outside during gym class.

My other trolls IRL mainly infantile disruptions & pesterings of other folks.

Does this count as a thread contributing post?

Or should I kindly GTFO & fuck off & die in a fire?


Un Banned
Why not just cut to the chase Khanchaggar:phpquestion:

:cry:I'm a :dunce::retard::ccg::Cry:.

:frusty:Now it's bathroom time:puke:


GFHH Moderator
BDM once put yellow post it notes all over a guy's car in the office. I had no idea why he did it but it was funny as shit to see a car totally covered in yellow post it notes.


U mad 'bro?
I am currently in a troll.

A coworker's wife was going out with another guy.
Well that guy is now in jail.
But the Coworker found some letters from Jail to the Wife.
In the letters, the Jail talks about what he wants her to do, where they've been, and how jealous he gets about the Coworker.

Well, I told him about TQs writing skills and the Coworker wants some letters written from a Guy #2 that the Woman has now that Jail is in jail for two years.
Coworker wants to drive Jail nuts.

Anyone wanna try their hand at this?

I Love Cunt

Watch It
I am currently in a troll.

A coworker's wife was going out with another guy.
Well that guy is now in jail.
But the Coworker found some letters from Jail to the Wife.
In the letters, the Jail talks about what he wants her to do, where they've been, and how jealous he gets about the Coworker.

Well, I told him about TQs writing skills and the Coworker wants some letters written from a Guy #2 that the Woman has now that Jail is in jail for two years.
Coworker wants to drive Jail nuts.

Anyone wanna try their hand at this?

And get killed? No thank you. This is the stuff movies are made of tho. Good Luck!


U mad 'bro?
the Coworker has asked for help in trolling the Jail guy.

He's In Jail. Hello! and the letters are changing hands through unconnected parties, so there is no trail.
I am currently in a troll.

A coworker's wife was going out with another guy.
Well that guy is now in jail.
But the Coworker found some letters from Jail to the Wife.
In the letters, the Jail talks about what he wants her to do, where they've been, and how jealous he gets about the Coworker.

Well, I told him about TQs writing skills and the Coworker wants some letters written from a Guy #2 that the Woman has now that Jail is in jail for two years.
Coworker wants to drive Jail nuts.

Anyone wanna try their hand at this?

Send me a picture of The Wife/The Woman, and I'll photochop her in compromising poses with the Katrina Beer Looter dude who can serve as a visual stand-in for Guy #2. You can send those to Jail Guy. :)

ETA: Here's Beer Looter Dude:


Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
My first girlfriend broke up with me via letter during my first week at a summer camp being a counselor-in-training. I cooked up a persona that appealed to her sensibilities, perfected a different handwriting style, and started a "second" romance with her as that guy, complete with observations about how destroyed her former boyfriend was, etc. When I got back I told her the whole story, along with what a horrible cunt she had been for not only breaking up with me in such a cowardly manner but for the heavy flirting she had put in her letters to Me.2, which I'd saved. She punched me dead in the face.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
I was recently reminded of one of the best ongoing trolls I've ever had the pleasure to witness firsthand over the years, committed by my best friend from university. His mother, an alumnus of Beaver College, was going to attend an upcoming reunion (this was long before they went and actually changed the name out of chagrin or idiotic PC sensibility, take your pick) and my friend asked her to buy him a pullover sweatshirt while she was there, with "BEAVER" silkscreened in giant letters across the front. He then wore this thing around everywhere he went, pissing off all the humorless campus feminists to no end. Some even got the nerve to ask him where he got it/why he wore it, etc. His reply was always "My mom." Only the truly trollable would continue the inquiry beyond that. To this day he still occasionally breaks the old thing out & wears it around town.

Sometimes the simple trolls are the best.