Iron Lady or The Artist?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
John Carter's also playing, but folks are saying I should see the Artist instead of Iron Lady.

Personally I'm sick to death of British historical stories told by Americans, but I'm a fan of Streep.

Anyone seen either of these two? We're going to a 7 tonight either way.


RIP 1970~2018
I say strap a set on, pick one and go see it no matter what people think. Big boy style.

That's some damn smelly 'on topic' bait BTW.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
The Artist is cute, and the reason it won Best Picture is that it doesn't lag at any point, so you don't have time to re-invite disbelief and think "I'm watching a silent movie"...

I haven't seen The Iron Lady all the way through, but your above complaints will be confirmed. Great mimicry by Streep in a really bad movie.

John Carter -- don't think I'll even illegally download it, ever. Only go if you're in a sarcastic, snarky mood and want to make fun of a movie rather than enjoy yourself.

(Work is slow so far)


Be patient till the last.
aww, that's too bad about Streep's recent vehicle. I'll wait til it comes out on TV then.

yep; quite enjoyed The Artist, but I was in really fun company and the whole night was great so I wasn't in a critical mode anyway.