Is "Black Jesus" an incredibly accurate title for Obama?


Let's fuck some shit up
I don't know what it's like in other cities around the US, but here in Philadelphia I can't go more than two blocks without seeing a portrait of Obama right next to a portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks. It's an obsession. It's akin to going to a latin country and seeing all of the portraits of the Madonna or Christ. These people seem to think that simply because he's the first black president, he's something of a messiah. Come to spirit them away to a new land of prosperity. I have a profound respect for Martin Luther King. He was a strong man of vision and determination. Rosa Parks was one woman against a racist city. Obama is nothing like those two. He politicized his nomination for the Democratic party from behind Hillary's back. He knew he wasn't going to win and glad-handed his way to the Democratic seat. He tries to show that he has class by having poetry readings and whatnot at his home. All he's showing is that he'd rather live in France. He even went on vacation there. The man is not a great American leader of civil rights. He's a black man, using the same white criminal politics as the rest of the politicians who came before him. He doesn't deserve the recognition those other two great black Americans deserve. He's a leech and a fake.

So, instead of seeing what these people see, a savior from poverty, all I see are the leeches of this country celebrating that they're going to ride high on a wealthy man's dime.

Don't get me wrong. Despite my recent tiff with our formerly-resident cupcakeer, I'm far from racist. I am, however, very culturally biased. It simply bothers me when I see a group of ignorant cupcakeers worshiping a man who doesn't deserve their praise.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
This also shows the obsession with race too many people have. If he was an Irishman named Barry O'Bama, and had the exact same credentials, ideas and policies, do you think he'd have even made it out of the starting gate? Not a chance!


on a break from forums
He doesn't deserve the recognition those other two great black Americans deserve. He's a leech and a fake.
Wrong! He does deserve a lot of recognition for being the first African-American President of this racist nation!

Don't get me wrong. Despite my recent tiff with our formerly-resident cupcakeer, I'm far from racist.
Really you're not racist?

It simply bothers me when I see a group of ignorant cupcakeers...
Again really, you're not even a little bit racist?

I don't think I'm alone in thinking that calling an African-American a "cupcakeer" is racist. I'm not racist and I never say that word. I think I have said it maybe 1 or 2 times in my life and it was used to mock racists or in a quote. I avoid that word at all costs because it is a racial slur.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
There are different kinds of racism too, classichummus. One kind is to treat minorities as pets instead of equals. The idea that they are incapable of making their way without the government forcing employers to hire them at the barrel of a gun.


Let's fuck some shit up
Wrong! He does deserve a lot of recognition for being the first African-American President of this racist nation!

The nation isn't racist. The only people who I see most of the time that are actively racist, are the black people who try to find bigotry where it isn't. Or, the extra 30% of black voters who turned out on election day to vote for Obama, when in the past they couldn't bother voting. Plenty of black voters who voted for Obama simply because he's black.

Really you're not racist?

No, I'm culturally biased.

Again really, you're not even a little bit racist?

No, I'm biased against cupcakeers. White and black people can be cupcakeers.

I don't think I'm alone in thinking that calling an African-American a "cupcakeer" is racist. I'm not racist and I never say that word. I think I have said it maybe 1 or 2 times in my life and it was used to mock racists or in a quote. I avoid that word at all costs because it is a racial slur.

Yet, even black people use it to deride other black people. They generally use it to describe stupid black people. I simply use it in the same manner: to describe an ignorant person who ascribes to the gangster/pimp culture.

I'd suggest you listen to what Dirk has to say.


on a break from forums
Plenty of black voters who voted for Obama simply because he's black.
very true.

Really you're not racist?
No, I'm culturally biased.
Explain what you mean by this.

Again really, you're not even a little bit racist
No, I'm biased against cupcakeers. White and black people can be cupcakeers.
Again, explain. I don't agree with you on the latter about white people being able to be called the N-word. That doesn't seem right.

I don't think I'm alone in thinking that calling an African-American a "cupcakeer" is racist. I'm not racist and I never say that word. I think I have said it maybe 1 or 2 times in my life and it was used to mock racists or in a quote. I avoid that word at all costs because it is a racial slur.
Yet, even black people use it to deride other black people. They generally use it to describe stupid black people. I simply use it in the same manner: to describe an ignorant person who ascribes to the gangster/pimp culture.
When I've heard African-Americans use it, it is usually in the form of "good/close friend". Some stupid white kids use it in the same way, but it's usually pronounced differently. It doesn't have the "-er" at the end it has an "-a" making "cupcakea" vs. "cupcakeer." I still don't think it is an ok word to use.


Let's fuck some shit up
There's a major difference between cupcakeah and cupcakeer. cupcakeer = bad. cupcakeah = form of endearment. As I said before, cupcakeer doesn't just apply to black people. White kids can be cupcakeers. I say kids because that's usually what they are. I also don't use whigger as it's just a way of identifying skin color. They're all cupcakeers to me.

Ever seen the movie Glory? In it there's a scene where Denzel Washington is getting all riled-up and keeps calling everyone a cupcakeer. He's acting like a violent fool. Morgan Freeman says to him, "the only cupcakeer I see around here, is you." That best describes what I'm talking about.

The only difference is that I don't think that just because I'm white I can't use cupcakeer, too. Why does it have to be mutually exclusive to one race? They get to call us crackers, honkey, and whitebread. We, normally, don't get upset about it. It's hypocritical.


Let's fuck some shit up
I'll add this. cupcakeers aren't a race of people. They're members of a society... a culture. One that prides itself on theft, rape, exploitation of women, lawlessness, violence, and murder. They're criminals and they're leeches. Hypocrites to the core. They praise God and thank Him for everything they have; but aren't satisfied, so they rob people, too. They're the disgusting blight that is ruining our fair nation and I generally despise them. They deserve an equally ugly title: cupcakeER.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
You know what else bugs me about Obama? He doesn't seem to respect the office. Ronald Reagan and both Presidents Bush always kept their suit jacket and tie on while in the Oval Office. Obama sometimes doesn't even wear a tie in the Oval Office.

Reagan and the Bushes certainly appeared in casual attire while on vacation, working the ranch etc. Yesterday, Obama gave a speech...and he was wearing a short-sleeved button-down shirt. Reagan or Bush would NEVER have given a speech without wearing a suit.

Picayune? Maybe. But I truly feel that this casual form of dress devalues the office.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I agree, BDM. This isn't a country club. He's the most powerful man on Earth. He needs to act and dress like it.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Didn't he give the Queen a fucking iPod? Why didn't he just give her a bucket of KFC and some malt liquor?


Let's fuck some shit up
Something about the DVD gift. Does anyone know if they were region coded? Can Brown even play them in the UK?



Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
Honestly, I'm not going to opine about Obama just yet. I'm going to give it some time, see if this economic mess starts to clean up.

That said, someone get either zombie Roosevelt up for the next election.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I'll add this. cupcakeers aren't a race of people. They're members of a society... a culture. One that prides itself on theft, rape, exploitation of women, lawlessness, violence, and murder. They're criminals and they're leeches. Hypocrites to the core. They praise God and thank Him for everything they have; but aren't satisfied, so they rob people, too. They're the disgusting blight that is ruining our fair nation and I generally despise them. They deserve an equally ugly title: cupcakeER.

Chris Rock said it best:


There's no place like home-
You know what else bugs me about Obama? He doesn't seem to respect the office. Ronald Reagan and both Presidents Bush always kept their suit jacket and tie on while in the Oval Office. Obama sometimes doesn't even wear a tie in the Oval Office.

Reagan and the Bushes certainly appeared in casual attire while on vacation, working the ranch etc. Yesterday, Obama gave a speech...and he was wearing a short-sleeved button-down shirt. Reagan or Bush would NEVER have given a speech without wearing a suit.

Picayune? Maybe. But I truly feel that this casual form of dress devalues the office.


You mean like this "Dick"?
