Is it alright to find the Paralympic ceremony fuckin awful? awful


Touching the monolith
Staff member
You can find it fucking awful here in your safe place.


I want to smell dark matter
Luckily there was Big Brother on so I only saw Stephen Hawking and loads of apples walking around and Ian McKellen telling Miranda to fly but did Miranda really want to fly?


Boobie inspector
Did they have Brian Potter and Andy Pipkin there?


Or would that have been poor taste.


Can I have Ops?
It would have been an improvement.

I'm sorry, but the whole thing reminded me of everything I hate about Musicals, Dance and group events such as this. People jumping round in latex costumes on stilts with umbrellas / balloons using expressionist dance to push obvious messages down your throat.

Ian McKellan looked as awkward as a suckling pig at a Jewish wedding.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
With malteds for beverages.


I want to smell dark matter
Were there jazz hands, but some of the people had deformed hands?


Is this real life?
At one point they said "please stand for the Paralympic anthem!", is that close enough?

Yeah, I thought it was pretty bad too. Admittedly, whatever narrative they were trying to string together wasn't aided by the athletes taking an absolute age to get into the stadium, but I'm not convinced it would have been that great anyway.

The central idea of enlightenment and human rights wrought through struggle and scientific advancement could have been very powerful, but they had to introduce Shakespeare. And I'm sorry, but as beloved as Shakespeare is, he's not accessible. Most of us have only "done" Shakespeare plays in school, and among those were most commonly Romeo and Juliet, Midsomer Night's Dream or something that isn't The Blimmin Tempest. I know it was used in the other ceremonies as well, but not to an extent where you needed to have actually read it.

And yeah, all the circus tricks didn't really do it for me either. I think it would've been okay if they'd worked up to it, but it was used too much. Case in point would be the ending, with Miranda flying up through the "glass ceiling", which would've had a lot more impact if the last three hours hadn't been chock full of people flying around on harnesses.

There were some things I liked. Getting Stephen Hawking involved was a nice surprise and Orbital were good as ever. And I really enjoyed the Handel recital. Oh and the pixels looked amazing again.

The thing I was most annoyed by was science being made synonymous with boredom. It could've been awesome and inspiring and instead it probably confirmed a lot of people's suspicions of science being stuffy, tedious and old hat.


Boobie inspector
Why do they always make the athletes look so glum and miserable in the channel four adverts for it?

Yeah they are disabled, or midgets, or a bit mental, but they are representing their country in something very special, they could at least muster a smile.


Is this real life?
Maybe they went to the opening ceremony rehearsals?


I want to smell dark matter
Is the Special Olympics (as in the "arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics..." line) a different thing from the Paralympics? I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW THIS BUT NOT ENOUGH TO GOOGLE IT.