Is Lady Cop an alcoholic?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Her forum would seem to be an indicator of that affliction. Weirdest mod ever. She certainly looks like a few minutes from her last drink in any pic I've ever seen of her. It sucks that you have to hit bottom before you truly admit you have a problem. It would appear she has yet to do that.

I hear she disappears for a couple of weeks every Christmas season. Looking back through the threads, I see that she doesn't post at all during that part of the year. Like a two week black hole. She calls it "a vacation"...

Detox or bender? Only she really knows for sure.


Pinata Whacker
I understand your dislike of Douchess but wtf did LC do to you?

Remember kids, don't accuse a person of something without solid proof. Don't be a RiotGear.


stealth ninja
I thought I recognised her



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I understand your dislike of Douchess but wtf did LC do to you?

Remember kids, don't accuse a person of something without solid proof. Don't be a RiotGear.

Someday I'll show you the PM's.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Loktite, you should do a word search at Mock for"alcoholic" ... I'm pretty sure it'll take you to a thread where Duchess rips LC a new one.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Unless it's been deleted. :bigass:

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
It was still there when I was there around January. I get the impression Duchess has LC on a pretty tight leash and wouldn't let her delete it and it was one of D's best slams so I can't see her deleting it either


Retired Account
It was still there when I was there around January. I get the impression Duchess has LC on a pretty tight leash and wouldn't let her delete it and it was one of D's best slams so I can't see her deleting it either

I'm glad Duchess has her on a tight leash, fucktarded mod of the decade.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
She's a fucktard. Two faced duplicitous lying cunt, just like her enabler.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You know, it does.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Merry Christmas from Lady Cop at Mock!



Red Whacker is hot!!
Well fuck me, I had my suspicions LC hits the sauce every once in a while, but I had no idea she binges during the holidays, that's ridiculous. I mean I drink a 12 pack everynight and say what you will, but at least I'm consistent with it. To think all these years I thought she was spending the holidays with family, what a goddamn fool I was.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Pretty sure she gets liquored up every day but I don't really see what the big deal is, she's an older, unemployed lady with time on her hands and if she can afford it and enjoys it then that's a great way to spend your senior years, IMHO. I'd probably be a heroin addict if I had the chance.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Well fuck me, I had my suspicions LC hits the sauce every once in a while, but I had no idea she binges during the holidays, that's ridiculous. I mean I drink a 12 pack everynight and say what you will, but at least I'm consistent with it. To think all these years I thought she was spending the holidays with family, what a goddamn fool I was.

I got as far as your first three words, then I got distracted.