Troll Kingdom

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Is that it?

Its over for a while, loopy and I once trolled a site and posted a few hundred new threads one night , im sure the admins of that site were not happy , they threated us with the FBI.
trollwarssnoopd said:
Its over for a while, loopy and I trolled a site and posted a few hundred new threads one night , im sure the admins of that site were not happy , they threated us with the FBI.

trollwarssnoopd said:
Its over for a while, loopy and I once trolled a site and posted a few hundred new threads one night , im sure the admins of that site were not happy , they threated us with the FBI.

lucky for us, one of our members - sarek - IS an FBI agent, and he's managed to get other boards like yours closed down, and prosecuted, after their members came over here and did what you do.

I hope you have a good lawyer... or your parents do...
PPPsssstt a little secret the "OMG!" is what little kids say.
Panda said:
lucky for us, one of our members - sarek - IS an FBI agent, and he's managed to get other boards like yours closed down, and prosecuted after their members came over here and did what you do.

I hope you have a good lawyer...

Sure he is, and Im a billionare with wings and live in a castle in the sky.
trollwarssnoopd said:
Sure he is, and Im a billionare with wings and live in a castle in the sky.

The view must be quite lovely.

However, Panda is mistaken. I'm retired military law enforcement. And although I currently work for another Federal Law Enforcement Agency, it's not the FBI. ;)
Sarek said:
The view must be quite lovely.

However, Panda is mistaken. I'm retired military law enforcement. And although I currently work for another Federal Law Enforcement Agency, it's not the FBI. ;)

I hope you are rounding up mexicans and shipping them home.
trollwarssnoopd said:
I hope you are rounding up mexicans and shipping them home.

Actually, I'm sitting at home in front of my computer right now. I'm on vacation this week. ;)
Sarek said:
Actually, I'm sitting at home in front of my computer right now. I'm on vacation this week. ;)

Good deal , pop a beer for breakfast. :)
trollwarssnoopd said:
Good deal , pop a beer for breakfast. :)

already 100 posts... and still I've mustered more presence on your forum with less than 17.

The majority can never replace the genius.
They think spam = trolling.

They don't realize that spamming is like a good stiff left jab in boxing. It sets up the right hook.
I sure hope they're done! I don't think the board can survive another guantlet of activity and intensity like they hurled at us!

Just sweep it under the carpet. Surely pregnancy farts are much more fearsome!
No joke.

Hell, I hacked up scarier shit this morning than the Bobbsey Twinks can come up with.