Is WordForge really about Freedom & The Promise of America?


Registered User
Blogs generally, and in this I would include services such as Twitter, are essentially self-important spew from uninteresting people that masquerades as social networking. Millions of people waving their arms shouting "Hey! Look at me!" not because he or she has earned the attention but because he or she is convinced the attention is a birthright or something. Pointing out the ignorance, inconsistancies or hypocrisy of these folk may result in accusations of "denying their right" to attention. The real loons still get upset even if you ignore them completely, somehow equating that to infringing on their right to make a public spectacle of themselves.

It's ego stroking at the speed of light... impressive only from the standpoint that an irrelevent chunk of pseudoinformation can travel around the globe in a flash.

A very few contributors may actually have something valuable to add but the vast majority of articles are simply wasted bytes.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That's why opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.

Take mine for's cracked and has a hole in it.


King of Sarcasm
Wordforge is a private sandbox.

Dr. Death

Registered User
Word Forge sucks. I went there with an alt and got banned in less then 20 minutes for doing nothing more then speaking my opinion and calling someone a dirty lil They get bent over stupid shit...damn what a bunch of fucktards.


Shifty sumbitch
You're supposed to wait at least an hour before calling people dirty li'l names. Y'know, to get the groove of the place and establish yourself.


Retired Account
Wordforge is like a brothel... full of stank ass pussies.

Dr. Death

Registered User
I've noticed there's a lack of wanking threads there. trek bbs usally has one every cupole of months

There aren't many wanking threads in too many places these least ones with decently intellegent people....which are getting even harder to find on the internet.