

I want to smell dark matter
Noirin's ex-boyfriend. Is in the house now, but there's no updates on the official site and there's no red button this year, so who the fuck knows what's going on. He could have already been murdered by Marcus.


I want to smell dark matter
I want to rescue her from him, even if she is a bit evil.


I want to smell dark matter
Walked out. :sarek:


I want to smell dark matter
Noirin's ex-boyfriend. Is in the house now, but there's no updates on the official site and there's no red button this year, so who the fuck knows what's going on. He could have already been murdered by Marcus.

Wasn't murdered by Marcus. I remember Marcus saying "he seems like a nice bloke!" but that might have just been to take the piss out of Siavash a little.

Anyway, it's hard for me to think of Isaac as a real housemate, considering he was only there for two days and was put in for one purpose only. I'm completely against putting in housemates who haven't been through the audition process just because they used to shag an already existing housemate. It goes against the very concept of Big Brother. OF COURSE Noirin was going to be glued to Isaac when he went in and stop caring about anyone else, he's her real life on again off again boyfriend! But I'm watching BB I like to pretend that there's real friendships and relationships forming in the house. Bringing in someone from the outside ruins that as you realise it's just a game for most of them (for Noirin anyway.) Plus it ruined the flow of the ongoing Noirin/Siavash/Marcus storyline.

As for Isaac, amazingly I actually kind of like him, just for the way he handled Bea. He obviously wasn't there as a housemate so he didn't care about the usual BB bullshit and just cut through Bea's crap and she didn't know how to handle him. I actually wished he would have stayed a bit longer to be a foil for her, but I doubt he ever had an any intention of staying and winning (even though he claimed he did in the DR.)


Is this real life?
I was away for his duration in the house, but I saw the clip where he was dancing in front of the mirror when Lisa walked in and that must make up for anything bad he ever did.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, that was actually funny too.