israel: terrorist state


Fucked Bunny
the imaginary country peopled by squatters with guns ie. israel, were doing their level best to fuck off everyone today, following their homage in dubai to xbox360 classic "assassin's creed" they then went on to accuse the british government of being "anti-semitic dogs" - well, the british government may be a ropey pile of shit but if there's one thing a bunch of liars hate it's being lied to.

compounding the insults they commented that it wasn't worth dealing with president obama because he was merely "a one term president" - yeah, mossad seem pretty accomplished at one hit wonders too, their favourite tactic for dealing with anyone "difficult" isn't diplomacy - no, fuck that - just kill them.

i used to live in israel, i can confirm that as a nation they are miserable and unhelpful fuckers. we don't need this terrorist state of israel, we certainly shouldn't be supporting them, they are the biggest threat to stability in the world today.

cut these cunts loose, good riddance to bad rubbish..


الله أكبر
the imaginary country peopled by squatters with guns ie. israel, were doing their level best to fuck off everyone today, following their homage in dubai to xbox360 classic "assassin's creed" they then went on to accuse the british government of being "anti-semitic dogs" - well, the british government may be a ropey pile of shit but if there's one thing a bunch of liars hate it's being lied to.

compounding the insults they commented that it wasn't worth dealing with president obama because he was merely "a one term president" - yeah, mossad seem pretty accomplished at one hit wonders too, their favourite tactic for dealing with anyone "difficult" isn't diplomacy - no, fuck that - just kill them.

i used to live in israel, i can confirm that as a nation they are miserable and unhelpful fuckers. we don't need this terrorist state of israel, we certainly shouldn't be supporting them, they are the biggest threat to stability in the world today.

cut these cunts loose, good riddance to bad rubbish..

amen, brathar.

the terrorist nazi state of israel should parish.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
the imaginary country peopled by squatters with guns ie. israel, were doing their level best to fuck off everyone today, following their homage in dubai to xbox360 classic "assassin's creed" they then went on to accuse the british government of being "anti-semitic dogs" - well, the british government may be a ropey pile of shit but if there's one thing a bunch of liars hate it's being lied to.

compounding the insults they commented that it wasn't worth dealing with president obama because he was merely "a one term president" - yeah, mossad seem pretty accomplished at one hit wonders too, their favourite tactic for dealing with anyone "difficult" isn't diplomacy - no, fuck that - just kill them.

i used to live in israel, i can confirm that as a nation they are miserable and unhelpful fuckers. we don't need this terrorist state of israel, we certainly shouldn't be supporting them, they are the biggest threat to stability in the world today.

cut these cunts loose, good riddance to bad rubbish..

You never lived in Israel, if you had you wouldn't be making that observation. The GP over there is actually interested in making peace with their semitic neighbors, despite the over the top posturing of their rather retarded, repressive government.

You know nothing, and name dropping like that doesn't improve your credibility.


Fucked Bunny
You never lived in Israel, if you had you wouldn't be making that observation. The GP over there is actually interested in making peace with their semitic neighbors, despite the over the top posturing of their rather retarded, repressive government.

You know nothing, and name dropping like that doesn't improve your credibility.

jack, you know shit - jack shit.

of course i lived in israel, a few miles from hadera - a town close to the west bank, best known for it's bus terminus.

but that's not important, although i assure you it's true,

today israeli newspapers announced regarding the assassination in dubai "we got away with it" - they added regarding the expulsion of one israeli mossad officer from london "if that's the price then it was a clearance price" - that mossad officer will be replaced in london in 12 weeks, testimony to britain's weakness.

also today, obama did his best to diplomatically snub the israeli PM, but the right-wing israeli leader merely restated israel's intention to carry on doing whatever the fuck they liked.

israel has to keep at least some dialogue going with the united nations - they want them to disarm iran.

it did make me laugh during the sadam hussein war that as soon as it kicked off sadam immediately began showering tel aviv with scud missiles - when this war kicks off with iran that will be nuclear missiles that are raining down on israel.

and israel is determined to start a new war with someone soon, they considered syria, but now they're gunning for iran..


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Can I have Ops?
You would have been better illustrating your point with the irgun movement (and it's links to the Likud party) plus the various bombings after the war. That way you could have said "started as a terrorist state, and still going strong"

You missed a decent starting copy line there.


Fucked Bunny
You would have been better illustrating your point with the irgun movement (and it's links to the Likud party) plus the various bombings after the war. That way you could have said "started as a terrorist state, and still going strong"

You missed a decent starting copy line there.

ok, thanks for the input, headvoid, certainly more useful than a moronic and defeated "zzzzzzzzzzzz"

fact is, i only ever come to this site when i'm fucked out of my head,

hence grammar, spelling, coherent argument, etc may suffer as a result,

the point is, while we are being intentionally diverted by afghanistan, libya, syria, yemen, iran and fuck knows who else the real immediate threat to world stability is bolshy and warlike israel - an imaginary country in my opinion, land stolen from the arabs

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I'm a member of Haganah, I'll kick your ass.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
fact is, i only ever come to this site when i'm fucked out of my head,

hence grammar, spelling, coherent argument, etc may suffer as a result,
STAY TUNED for the inevitable claim that all his drek is plausibly deniable since, y'know, he was shitfaced --and if he were to ever show up functioning at his full mental capacity, GTFO 'cause we won't have a prayer against him.

Sound familiar?


Fucked Bunny
STAY TUNED for the inevitable claim that all his drek is plausibly deniable since, y'know, he was shitfaced --and if he were to ever show up functioning at his full mental capacity, GTFO 'cause we won't have a prayer against him.

Sound familiar?

but i don't want to talk about me


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm a member of Mossad, and I already have the little fucks real address.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
fuck knows who else the real immediate threat to world stability is bolshy and warlike israel - an imaginary country in my opinion, land stolen from the arabs

You never lived there. Need a shovel for the hole you're digging? I can loan you a backhoe if it's a bigger project.