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Israeli army T-shirts mock Gaza killings


I'm not wearing any pants!!


The Israeli army is at the centre of a second controversy over the moral conduct of its soldiers in as many days.

The revelations centre on t-shirt designs made for soldiers that make light of shooting pregnant Palestinian mothers and children and include images of dead babies and destroyed mosques.

The t-shirts were printed for Israeli soldiers at the end of periods of deployment or training courses and were discovered by Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

One, printed for a platoon of Israeli snipers depicts an armed Palestinian pregnant women caught in the crosshairs of a rifle, with the disturbing caption in English: "1 shot 2 kills".

Another depicts a child carrying a gun also in the centre of a target.

"The smaller, the harder," read the words on the t-shirt.

According to a soldier interviewed by the newspaper, the message has a double meaning: "It's a kid, so you've got a little more of a problem, morally and also the target is smaller."

Another shows an Israeli soldier blowing up a mosque and reads "Only God forgives".

Above a ninja figure, yet another shirt bears the slogan "Won't chill until I confirm a kill".

The revelations, coming so soon after Israel's offensive in Gaza in which hundreds of civilians were killed - many of them women and children - are causing outrage.

Perhaps the most shocking design shows a Palestinian mother weeping next to her dead baby's grave, also in the crosshairs of a rifle.

It suggests it would have been better if the child had never been born, with the slogan "Better use Durex".
Where can I buy these?

Indeed. If you are going to have women and children fighting, spare us the outrage when women and children get killed. :bergman:
My Basic shirt (yeah, I bought one, shuttup) has a skull with blood dripping out of the mouth and the slogan "Helping other poor dumb bastards die for their country since 1775."

Soldier's like 'Hoo-ah' shirts. Always have always will. Same goes for Cadences. You can try and EO all the good cadences out of existance, but they'll be passed on.

I actually got stopped half way through Left, Right, Left, Right, Left Right KILL, in WLC. Only got to the playground. :D
These T-shirts exemplify the IDF. After all, the only targets they seem to excel at shooting are women and kids.

When they faced an armed force (ie : Hezbollah), they got their asses whipped by a bunch of guerillas equipped with outdated Russian/Iranian weaponry.
These T-shirts exemplify the IDF. After all, the only targets they seem to excel at shooting are women and kids.

When they faced an armed force (ie : Hezbollah), they got their asses whipped by a bunch of guerillas equipped with outdated Russian/Iranian weaponry.

Since when!?

The IDF had god mode turned on in their last raid on the Gaza vs. the Hezbollah. The ratio was something like 30:1 in favor of the IDF.

And, good for them for being international trolls. All Muslims who are too indoctrinated and won't renounce their religion of violence and hatred should be euthanized. Yes, I understand perfectly the irony in that statement.
When they faced an armed force (ie : Hezbollah), they got their asses whipped by a bunch of guerillas equipped with outdated Russian/Iranian weaponry.

Do you see the contradiction there?

Any time the Israelis have faced a conventional force, they have shown themselves far superior.

Also, while the IDF may not have performed as well against the Hizbullah militia as they wanted, they still won a strategic victory. For all the people pointing enjoying the schadenfraud of their supposed defeat, why do you think the Northern Border has been so quiet? B/c they kicked the shit out Hizbullah, and then got UNIFIL a mandate with some teeth and got it expanded.

Their only fuck up in Gaza was bowing to international pressure and pulling out too early. They should have waited for a comprehensive ceasefire that included an International and Regional Observer/Compliance force on the border. I would have no problem moving MFO from Sinai to Gaza. Who seriously believes Egypt and Israel will go at it again?
Like I said. It all depends on Egypt.

Well like I said, Egypt v Israel ain't gonna happen. Recognizing such, it would be much better IMO to shift MFO from Sinai to Gaza, expand it (with more U.S. troops if necessary, but preferably with Egyptians and Jordanians, even Turks) and give it some teeth. Have it in control of security and customs if need be. Then Israel can have a quiet border, the Pallies can get their supplies, and Gaza can have some stability.
Do you see the contradiction there?

No, because I meant an armed force, literally.

Any time the Israelis have faced a conventional force, they have shown themselves far superior.

Precisely, and in spite of their obvious superiority and roaring air force, they were outsmarted and outperformed by a bunch of sand niggers.

Also, while the IDF may not have performed as well against the Hizbullah militia as they wanted, they still won a strategic victory. For all the people pointing enjoying the schadenfraud of their supposed defeat, why do you think the Northern Border has been so quiet? B/c they kicked the shit out Hizbullah, and then got UNIFIL a mandate with some teeth and got it expanded.

Israel's declared goal prior to the 33 day war : Wipe the living fuck out of Hezbollah. They failed.

Hezbollah's declared goal prior to the 33 day war : Reclaim back Samir Quntar, a terrorist imprisoned in Israel who murdered an Israeli physicist and his family in cool blood. They succeeded.

On a more strategic, bullshit-free scale, the attack was Iranian ordered blunder to even things out on the international scene. Back in 2006, Syria and Iran were passing through onehelluvapressure, so they took the risk and played the Hezbollah card. In case it succeeded, which it did, Iran and Syria would gain a slight regional leverage, and another breath of oxygen. Currently, we're past this, with Sarkozy and Syria's president becoming buddies, and Obama's love letters to Iran.

Their only fuck up in Gaza was bowing to international pressure and pulling out too early. They should have waited for a comprehensive ceasefire that included an International and Regional Observer/Compliance force on the border. I would have no problem moving MFO from Sinai to Gaza. Who seriously believes Egypt and Israel will go at it again?

Gaza is a completely different thing. The Israelis showed Hamas who the fucking Boss is. Sure, they could've had more fun killing pregnant women and 3 year olds, but they succeded in silencing Hamas in the foreseeable future.
Precisely, and in spite of their obvious superiority and roaring air force, they were outsmarted and outperformed by a bunch of sand niggers.

Uh... no. Israel has won every stand up war they've ever fought (which is a direct contradiction to your original statement that they could only kill women and children).

Israel's declared goal prior to the 33 day war : Wipe the living fuck out of Hezbollah. They failed.

Bullshit the stated goal was to get their captured soldiers back. The unstated was to get their Northern Border secure. This was accomplished with the Peace Settlement in which UNIFIL was beefed up and sent to Lebanon's Southern Border.

Hezbollah's declared goal prior to the 33 day war : Reclaim back Samir Quntar, a terrorist imprisoned in Israel who murdered an Israeli physicist and his family in cool blood. They succeeded.

On a more strategic, bullshit-free scale, the attack was Iranian ordered blunder to even things out on the international scene. Back in 2006, Syria and Iran were passing through onehelluvapressure, so they took the risk and played the Hezbollah card. In case it succeeded, which it did, Iran and Syria would gain a slight regional leverage, and another breath of oxygen. Currently, we're past this, with Sarkozy and Syria's president becoming buddies, and Obama's love letters to Iran.

What's Hizbullah done since? Not jack shit. This has allowed Israel to actually move troops from the North down to the South.

And yet Israel 'lost'?


Gaza is a completely different thing. The Israelis showed Hamas who the fucking Boss is. Sure, they could've had more fun killing pregnant women and 3 year olds, but they succeded in silencing Hamas in the foreseeable future.

They failed to get another force into Gaza to insure the peace holds. Which is why they will likely have to go back in.
Uh... no. Israel has won every stand up war they've ever fought (which is a direct contradiction to your original statement that they could only kill women and children).

What timeline are we talking about here ? I'm talking about Israel during the last decade. They haven't fought a single real war except in July 2006 against Hezbollah. Gaza was a massacre, not a war. Unless you wanna go back and tell me how Israel banged Jamal Abdul nasser 40 years ago, just to make a point.

Bullshit the stated goal was to get their captured soldiers back. The unstated was to get their Northern Border secure. This was accomplished with the Peace Settlement in which UNIFIL was beefed up and sent to Lebanon's Southern Border.

Wow, you're fucking clueless. The Wenograd Commision blatantly stated that Israel FAILED to meet its "ambitious" goals. Furthermore, the same commitee stated (and its statements were NOT denied by the IDF) that Israel was already planning to eradicate Hezbollah, once and for all. It failed. Israel hit each and every single target suspected to be a Hezbollah stronghold/weapon depot. Results : Niet, Zilch, Nada, Zéro, Sifr, 0.

Even if we suppose that the goal was to "get their captured soldiers back", they miserably failed, because all they got back was bunch of rotting cadavers, in exchange for a dozen of living Hezbollah militants, most infamously Quntar.

What's Hizbullah done since? Not jack shit. This has allowed Israel to actually move troops from the North down to the South.

They're not supposed to do jack shit, unless given orders by Iran. The fact that they're alive, arrogantly stating that they're still getting arms from Syria and Iran; and the fact that a bunch of riflemen killed over 100 IDF members (including several of the the Golani unit, cream of the crop of Israel's l33t hardcore motherfuckers) and buttfucked 45 fourth-generation Merkava tanks is a humiliation for Israel, to say the least.

And yet Israel 'lost'?

Are you so desperate to make a point, to quote a terminology that I never used ?
What's the big deal? Hamas sends women and children to blow up open-air markets all the time.

The shirts merely reflect reality.
What timeline are we talking about here ? I'm talking about Israel during the last decade. They haven't fought a single real war except in July 2006 against Hezbollah. Gaza was a massacre, not a war. Unless you wanna go back and tell me how Israel banged Jamal Abdul nasser 40 years ago, just to make a point.

I think my point was pretty clear, anytime they've fought against a conventional army they've won. So your whole 'only can kill women and children is BS.'

Wow, you're fucking clueless. The Wenograd Commision blatantly stated that Israel FAILED to meet its "ambitious" goals. Furthermore, the same commitee stated (and its statements were NOT denied by the IDF) that Israel was already planning to eradicate Hezbollah, once and for all. It failed. Israel hit each and every single target suspected to be a Hezbollah stronghold/weapon depot. Results : Niet, Zilch, Nada, Zéro, Sifr, 0.

I think you should reread the report. It critizes Olmert, Peretz and Halutz for not having a clear enough plan. Not so much the IDF.

Also you seem to be ignoring the point that Israel ultimately got what it wanted Hizbullah not in control of the border. Even if some politicians wanted Hizbullah completely destroyed (an idiotic statement, as that would be impossible militarily) that doesn't change the fact that from a strategic standpoint, Israel got it what it wanted.

Even if we suppose that the goal was to "get their captured soldiers back", they miserably failed, because all they got back was bunch of rotting cadavers, in exchange for a dozen of living Hezbollah militants, most infamously Quntar.

What part of stated goal do you have a problem grasping?

They're not supposed to do jack shit, unless given orders by Iran. The fact that they're alive, arrogantly stating that they're still getting arms from Syria and Iran; and the fact that a bunch of riflemen killed over 100 IDF members (including several of the the Golani unit, cream of the crop of Israel's l33t hardcore motherfuckers) and buttfucked 45 fourth-generation Merkava tanks is a humiliation for Israel, to say the least.

Now that's just bullshit. Hizbullah had entrenched defensive positions and were armed with some of the best anti-tank weapons out there, the Iranian Toophan 2 and Saeghe missiles (aka upgraded US TOW and Dragon missiles) and when an actual battle went down, like in Bint Jibel, Israel had between 1 to 2 and 1 to 4 kill ratio. Don't know if you know much about urban warfare, but that's not bad. Yes it could have been better, but they still managed to clear Hizbullah from the town before they left.

Are you so desperate to make a point, to quote a terminology that I never used ?

You didn't say the IDF couldn't kill anyone but women and children?