Troll Kingdom

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It Finally Happened! Troll Kingdom Has Banned Paladin!


beer, I want beer
It has finally happened my children! Troll Kingdom has finally banned Paladin! The reason? He bitchslapped Eggs Mayonnaise aka Loki at LoNaf and this has so pissed him off Paladin can no longer access Troll Kingdom! Bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa! I fucking OWN you bitches!
How about that? Troll Kingdom banned Paladin simply because Paladin posted the following:

I guess that's a lesson for all of us, do NOT piss off those TK'ers who are Admins at other sites lest you become banned here at TK. Oh wait, TK does not ban! Yet Paladin is gone! Hmmmm????
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
More lies. But it's always a possibility...

Really? I can get in as SaintLucifer but not as Paladin? Why is that? To teach me a lesson? For rules even YOU claim I broke at ANOTHER SITE? Imagine that! I am the first to be banned from one site for breaking ANOTHER SITE'S RULES! That has to be a record! Damnnnnnnn! Paladin was banned because SaintLucifer pissed off a few TK'ers at LoNaf! Bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa! Who owns who bitches? If I can make you ban me for pissing you off AT ANOTHER SITE then I own you all LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL!