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It's a beautiful world

Shouldn't you be in bed Fuggs? You need to sleep for the next 15 years, you've obviously missed your beauty sleep.
Laker_Girl said:
Shouldn't you be in bed Fuggs? You need to sleep for the next 15 years, you've obviously missed your beauty sleep.

I GUARANTEE if you were to see me in person you would agree without a doubt that I could have any woman in this site. I know it to be fact. By the way, I shall tell you something I tell women on all sites. I have long hair. Very long hair. You know what I find ironic? A couple of people on this site know what colour my eyes are. Strange that the pic you claim is me shows a fat, ugly bald fuck WITH HIS EYES CLOSED. Am I missing something here? No doubt a fear that if the pic posted showed eyes of the wrong colour those who know what colour my eyes are would call you on it. The hair colour is wrong too. Just thought I would let you know.
Again with the paragraphs and paragraphs. It's you Fuggs, you know it, I know it and the sad thing is, it didn't have to be this way.

You couldn't get a woman from this site or any other site. You're just a whole mess'a ugly inside AND out.
SaintLucifer said:
I GUARANTEE if you were to see me in person you would agree without a doubt that I could have any woman in this site. I know it to be fact. By the way, I shall tell you something I tell women on all sites. I have long hair. Very long hair. You know what I find ironic? A couple of people on this site know what colour my eyes are. Strange that the pic you claim is me shows a fat, ugly bald fuck WITH HIS EYES CLOSED. Am I missing something here? No doubt a fear that if the pic posted showed eyes of the wrong colour those who know what colour my eyes are would call you on it. The hair colour is wrong too. Just thought I would let you know.
That is hogwash because there is no one on this site that you know or anyone that knows your eyes because the disgusting man in the image's eyes are closed. I think you are a chronic liar on top of a poo poo kaka kanuck shitelicker because you lie all the time. I GUARANTEE that you cannot have the ballz to extirpate such an eggresiouv 'mangling' of who you really are because there is a simply way to prove it. lalalala

If you're so beautiful, baby, why don't you post a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper with 'I PWNED TK' or something, Luci? Not only will you prove us wrong, you'll make people look bad by jumping on the 'fat, bald canuck' bandwagon.
I GUARANTEE if you were to see me in person you would agree without a doubt that I could have any woman in this site.

Yeah guys, and I have just bought a Ferrari Enzo last week. I've been dating Natalie Portman in secret -of course don't want the press to know- and I am am now a grand master at wing chung which is nice.

Oh, and I'm a fighter pilot.

Don't mess!
Mentalist said:
Yeah guys, and I have just bought a Ferrari Enzo last week. I've been dating Natalie Portman in secret -of course don't want the press to know- and I am am now a grand master at wing chung which is nice.

Don't mess!

Wow! Nice car! Good for you! Natalie Portman? Damn but I have been trying to date that bitch for some time but she has never been home to answer my telephone call and I never gave her my telephone number. You are a grand master of wing chung (dont you mean wang chug?). Great. I am a grand master of Aiki Kempo Karatedo (I actually am). Wonderful. A fighter pilot? Really? Could you tell me what plane that is then:
The freak can't afford a scanner or speakers and we're not too sure he isn't operating off a VIC 20, do you really think he can afford a digital camera or web cam? Think Messenger, think.
Laker_Girl said:
The freak can't afford a scanner or speakers and we're not too sure he isn't operating off a VIC 20, do you really think he can afford a digital camera or web cam? Think Messenger, think.
Ah you are correct. We must trust in Luci and believe what he writes. Perhaps he will not be able to procure an image from even a 'friend' (LOL) because he will be helping sick indians in the Amazon.
Messenger said:
Ah you are correct. We must trust in Luci and believe what he writes. Perhaps he will not be able to procure an image from even a 'friend' (LOL) because he will be helping sick indians in the Amazon.

Hmm. Him posting that explains a few things.