
I want to smell dark matter
So I haven't watched much live feed since Friday, of obvious reasons, but I turned on tonight to see that WAR HAS BROKEN OUT. Apparently after the wheelchair basketball task, the winners got a party and the losers (Ben, Mario, Shabby, Dave, Josie and Caoimhe I think) were locked in the bedroom. The bedroom gang decided to make their own amusement by building a fort out of the mattresses and this somehow pissed off the others because they were "messing with our personal shit!" Corin seemed genuinely angry, Nathan was running around calling everyone cunts, even Steve was shouting, Ife totally ripped into Shabby and Caoimhe for some reason and JJ decided to blame the whole thing on Ben somehow. They're still locked apart right now, BUT MAYBE THEY'LL ALL LITERALLY KILL EACH OTHER SOON.


Retired Account


Is this real life?
'Citing, if anyfink. I've not seen the last two BBs now... anyone would think I was a Sunshine fan. I did catch BBLB today, though.

Glad to hear things are hotting up, although the battle lines are quite where I might expect them.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


I want to smell dark matter
I'm no fan of Caoimhe and Shabby pisses me off but they didn't really do anything to Ife tonight and she just seems to have randomly decided to hate them and go on crazy rants all night. And this is the bitch who kept calling Sunshine an "attention seeker" last week. :rwmad:

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Apparently Ife is Mario's new Ben.

When will Mario stop trying to be Alfred the Butler and get in the game?


I want to smell dark matter
I fucking hate the way Ife's tried to slot into Sunshine's place as Mario's best friend too.