Troll Kingdom

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It's been a while since I mentioned that Loktar's back.

Ishcabittle said:
So, what's up now? Got your own place? Your own computer? S'happinin'?

Nope. Moved back in with my parents. Got kicked out of the apartment in Rochester I was sharing with my brother and his fiancee. Seems they didn't like hours and hours of visiting TK and Lonaf, so they kicked me off their computer back in March. I got a part time job as a cashier at Walmart, and they were always whining about me not looking hard enough for a full time one. I didn't always do my share of the household chores each week, but sometimes neither did they. I'm the only one that got in trouble for it though. They were always whining and made me feel guilty if I didn't hang out with them and their pothead friends all the time. They were always concerned about how I spent my Walmart money, and they were a couple of neat freaks.

They were right about one thing though. I need to balance my job searching and forum posting better. Which means once I start my job searching I won't be around as much. That shouldn't be for a few more weeks though. I'm still slowly unpacking.