Any asshole can do a whois search and think of themselves as a troll, and apparently some super-sleuth from TW did just that.
Supposedly this me. For those of you who even remotely give a shit here's a quick history lesson:
I joined TW last year some time as "Yuck Foo". Yuck is the user name of David Roth, one of the admins at TCPunk, and no, it isn't me. Anyhow I joined under the premise that "my board" was being trolled, and I asked, begged and threatened them to stop. Obviously this was just a ploy for me to get them to do my dirty work, and whether they want to admit it or not, they did. See, I've got nothing to do with TCP except for the common area in which I live. I've been banned there at least 20 times myself.
So what we have here are a troupe of half-assed wannabes thinking they've trolled me, only this is the first time they've been exposed to the truth. I'll make it easier for you, my victims, since reading comprehension is obviously a problem for you: I AM NOT RON CLARK. I AM NOT EVEN YUCK FOO. YOU HAVE BEEN TROLLED, PWNED AND FUCKED IN THE ASS.
Consider me, RWC, pointing and laughing.

Supposedly this me. For those of you who even remotely give a shit here's a quick history lesson:
I joined TW last year some time as "Yuck Foo". Yuck is the user name of David Roth, one of the admins at TCPunk, and no, it isn't me. Anyhow I joined under the premise that "my board" was being trolled, and I asked, begged and threatened them to stop. Obviously this was just a ploy for me to get them to do my dirty work, and whether they want to admit it or not, they did. See, I've got nothing to do with TCP except for the common area in which I live. I've been banned there at least 20 times myself.
So what we have here are a troupe of half-assed wannabes thinking they've trolled me, only this is the first time they've been exposed to the truth. I'll make it easier for you, my victims, since reading comprehension is obviously a problem for you: I AM NOT RON CLARK. I AM NOT EVEN YUCK FOO. YOU HAVE BEEN TROLLED, PWNED AND FUCKED IN THE ASS.
Consider me, RWC, pointing and laughing.