It's Too Bad...

then we would need cars that run on refried beans...the emmisions would smell like ass...bad idea
They're a renewable resource, just wipe them off. Squeeze the towel into a bucket.
^^Not all of them. I've known more than a handful who came here legally or were born to parents who came here legally, and think of themselves as Americans.

But there are too many who don't. Way too many. And they expect that the U.S., unlike any other country on Earth, should just accept that. Their own country wouldn't. No other country on the planet would. But for some reason, we Americans should be heaped with guilt if we don't.
The Question said:
Not ironic -- hypocritical.
Hypocritical, yes. Understandable? Yes. Why would they want hispanics from other countries stealing our American jobs, when they can steal our American jobs and boost their economy?
