I've decided...


...to become a nun.

God has been calling me persistently, and I finally decided to listen to Him, and my heart.

Please pray for me, as I enter the convent.

God Bless you all. :)
Seems to me that the Episcopal Church won't much care if you're bisexual or not and that's probably a good thing. I may not vote with the party of tolerence but I'm glad I belong to the church of tolerence. As the say, my GOD then my country.
That's one of the main reasons why I chose the Episcopal church...their tolerance. It is true, however, that it depends on where the Episcopal church is located. Some churches are very conservative. I know of at least one person who left the Episcopal faith after that gay bishop was ordained.

And the nun thing was supposed to be an April Fool's thing. But it fell flat. Waaaaaaaay flat. ;) :D
Well, I knew you were looking to make a change, so I thought you were at least seriously considering this as a possibility.

Since I have no idea what it takes to become a nun (never having been interested in becoming one myself, since it would involve having my package cut off), I'm not sure whether or not this is something that would be easily accomplished or not.
I'm going to have to think about what made you think I would seriously become a nun.

To be continued....

Oh, and no cutting off packages for you. Mrs. Six would be peeved.

But then, if you became a nun, there would be no Mrs. Six.

A quandary develops... :D
Friday said:
...to become a nun.

God has been calling me persistently, and I finally decided to listen to Him, and my heart.

Please pray for me, as I enter the convent.

God Bless you all. :)

Troll looks forward to visiting you in the rectory
It doesn't matter if your religion is one of tolerance; you're still going to burn in hell for all eternity for: A) Not being Roman Catholic (only we get into Heaven) and B) Lying down with a woman as you would a man.

That's funny, because a recently re-acquainted friend of mine had a habit of telling me I'm going to Hell because I practice a liturgical faith. Hers was the only right Way, it seemed. Huh... ;)