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I've said it before: How to 'solve' the whole Israel issue

Ok, two home-lands. One in Alaska, the other in Tasmania. If the two sides want to kill each other, they'll have to work for it.

Take current Israel, take the non-religiously juicy parts and parcel them out to Egypt, Lebanon, etc. Take Jerusalem and surrounding towns, designate it as a "World Historic Zone". All of the shrines and other religious stuff is now held in trust by the UN. The only people living there full time are the clerics, monks, immams, rabbi's, etc that operate the shrines. Everyone else lives outside of the "zone" (lots of resort possibilities for pilgrims). Tourists and pilgrims are bussed in and out for day trips, a few overnight hotels allowed (but not many). If some groups can't get along we segregate the resorts and put them on opposite ends of perimeter of the "zone". Profits from the resorts and tourist traffic go to keep up the shrines. Excess can be sent "home" to the new "homelands" overseas. People who prove they can run a business and not get caught up in religious violence can run the resorts, bus companies, religious relic souvenir shops, etc.

That removes a lot of the problem, save for the poor Aussies and Americans who have to live near the new refugees...but in a generation or so I hope that the relocated people will realize that they don't live on a small part of dessert with no resources and start integrating with the society around them. Give them each a "Israeli/Palestinian Pride" day in their new locations, but otherwise treat 'em as normal citizens.

If the kids can't play nice, separate them and take away their toys.

Unless we discover oil under it, in which case we follow the plan but put admin under Exxon.

Ok, I'm done.

Vote for me as Emperor of the World.
Or you could expand the Israeli defensive wall to enclose both sides, and then seal it off. Two peoples enter, one people leaves! Welcome to Thunderdome.
Or we could just nuke the whole region, round up everyone who raises a stink, drop them out of planes over the wasteland with no parachutes and then nuke it again.
This is the problem I had with the Israelis building their security wall. Short-term, a great idea. Long-term, bad. By walling themselves in separate from their arab neighbors, the Israelis were making it easier for the arabs to not worry about hitting fellow arabs. This could be deadly in the future.

Some day, an arab regime will get a chemical weapon, or biological weapon, or nuclear weapon. When that happens, will they be more likely to use it against Israel if all arabs have been walled out by the Israelis? I think so.

Long-term, it would be best for the Israelis to form a mutual government with the Palestinians and make a Greater Israel. Start living on the same streets, the same buildings, the same neighborhoods. That is the only way there will be lasting peace, and the only way for the Palestinians to escape their 'culture of death'. (and incidentally, a good way to keep Israel getting nuked if the Palestinians are fully intermixed in the population.)

But that's just wishful thinking. The two sides will never cooperate enough to live together. Not until the present generation of tired old men have died out. Then maybe the younger folk will decide there is another way.

The younger Palestinian men have no job prospects other than "Martyr" or terrorist. Without a path to greater prosperity, the only way to get anything (prestige, girlfriends, respect) is at the end of a gun. Right now, if someone goes to school, starts a business, and makes something of themselves someone else with a gun will take all of that away (up to their life at times). There is no incentive to become a constructive part of "Greater Israel". Until there is some other economic opportunity out there for the Palestinians, they'll be stuck in a "The world has treated us Unfairly, and it's all the Israelis fault" minds set and keep on fighting. What else do they have to do?
The Palestinians are doomed to eternal economic misery as long as they wait for someone else to do it for them.

The victim mentality may make great press with the West, but it won't do squat for the Palestinians.

A "World Historic Zone" would only serve to put more focus on the religious differences and lead to segregation. Soon there would have to be separate buses for separate groups, tension would escalate, a lone fundamentalist sneaking onto the fancier Jesus bus and... everything would fall apart.

A zone or park of some kind is a good idea. But it should be all about go-cart and applesauce fudgies - not shrines. The Gaza Funfair would turn open hostility into a milder passive-aggressive behaviour on the race track, and Abraham would stop spinning in his grave.
Ogami said:
The victim mentality may make great press with the West, but it won't do squat for the Palestinians.

"Victim mentality"?! Dude, are you on crack? These people are living under military occupation -- they ARE victims.
I'm not on crack, and I'd appreciate a little respect if you think this is a serious subject.

For 50+ years, the surrounding Arab governments have deliberately not helped Palestinian refugees resettle in their countries, keeping them deliberately as victims. It was these same governments who ordered these Palestinians to evacuate their homes and land as they liberated Israel from the jews, a promise they weren't able to keep.

The Arab citizens living in Israel have no such victim status, they've never left. Meanwhile, the refugees and their descendents from the original 1948 war spend their whole lives being consoled by leftists, arabs, and the UN as victims, never once trying to make a productive society for themselves. They have a culture of death and a victim mentality, and they will be the same way A THOUSAND YEARS from now if they don't change their attitude from a victim mentality.

And guess what, Question, changing their lives means not being trained and armed by Syria and Iran as suicide bombers and death squads! They're being used, by these countries, and anyone else with a grudge against Israel. That's a victim mentality.

Ogami said:
I'm not on crack, and I'd appreciate a little respect if you think this is a serious subject.

What's the phrase I'm looking for here? Ah, yes -- I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter.

For 50+ years, the surrounding Arab governments have deliberately not helped Palestinian refugees resettle in their countries, keeping them deliberately as victims.

Victims of whom? When you've got an aggressor and a victim, you blame the aggressor, not third parties. Israel is the aggressor in this dynamic, and whether or not anyone steps up to stop the aggressor doesn't change the fact of who the aggressor is.

It was these same governments who ordered these Palestinians to evacuate their homes and land as they liberated Israel from the jews, a promise they weren't able to keep.

Back that up.

The Arab citizens living in Israel have no such victim status, they've never left.

No, they're just subjected to institutional racism, regardless of the equality Israeli law supposedly guarantees them.

Meanwhile, the refugees and their descendents from the original 1948 war spend their whole lives being consoled by leftists, arabs, and the UN as victims, never once trying to make a productive society for themselves.

And how precisely would you suggest they go about doing that?

They have a culture of death and a victim mentality, and they will be the same way A THOUSAND YEARS from now if they don't change their attitude from a victim mentality.

Oh, yeah. Crack. Gotta be. "They will have a victim mentality unless they stop having a victim mentality." is what you basically just said, and I suppose that through the veil of your obviously chemically-induced stupor you thought you were saying something profound, rather than something profoundly stupid.

Tell you what, why don't you spend a decade or two living under military occupation and see if you don't have a "victim mentality" coming out the other end of that.

And guess what, Question, changing their lives means not being trained and armed by Syria and Iran as suicide bombers and death squads!

I see. So you'll argue for Israel's "right to defend itself" by blowing up civilians and neutral parties left and right, but in your opinion the Palestinians have no right to resist what basically amounts to apartheid.

They're being used, by these countries, and anyone else with a grudge against Israel.

And gosh, how could anyone possibly have a grudge against Israel? After all, the IDF is using bulldozers to make flower beds, not demolish wholesale the homes of innocent people. And it's not like Israel has roads that are off-limits to non-Jews, or any of a number of other blatantly racist practices that would have the western world up in arms if the Arabs tried them.

That's a victim mentality.

No, a victim mentality is one that cries about victimhood when they're victims of nothing at all. Kind of like how Zionists use the Holocaust to guilt-trip the entire western world into giving them weapons that they then turn around and use on innocent people, at the same time it lulls millions into a mental slumber in which the homicidal maniacs we make possible go unnoticed. That's a victim mentality, and it's one you've obviously bought into up to the hilt.
The Question wrote:

What's the phrase I'm looking for here? Ah, yes -- I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter.

I'll guess you'll never be nice. Who could match your intellect?

Victims of whom? When you've got an aggressor and a victim, you blame the aggressor, not third parties. Israel is the aggressor in this dynamic, and whether or not anyone steps up to stop the aggressor doesn't change the fact of who the aggressor is.

And the solution is... for the entire Jewish population of Israel to jump into the ocean and give the Palestinian refugees their land back! You've got me beat, that thinking is too deep for my intellect.

Back that up.

You are familiar with the 1948 War of Liberation? Arab mechanized armies surged forth from Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Iraq. Arab radio stations broadcast non-stop for all Arabs to evacuate the area, with the promise that all "liberated" Jewish lands and businesses would then be theirs to claim. Those Palestinians who left did so out of greed and a desire for genocide. Their greed went unfulfilled, as did their desire to see all jews wiped out. Those are the Palestinian refugees that Israel is in constant warfare with.

Follow me so far? Those Palestinian refugees numbered 750,000 to 900,000 in 1948. The present numbers of Palestinian refugees living outside Israel are estimated at 4,667,000 (source: This compares to Israeli's current (as of 2000) population of 6,780,000, 1,084,000 of whom are Arab Israeli citizens and not in a state of warfare or intifadah with Israeli.

Funny how you worry so much about my intelligence when you claim ignorance of basic Middle East history. The Arabs who fled lost their land, the Arabs who stayed did not.

No, they're just subjected to institutional racism, regardless of the equality Israeli law supposedly guarantees them.

You have an interesting criteria for human rights, and very selective, considering the arabs living in Israel have innumerable more rights than any arab living in the surrounding arab regimes. That's indisputable. Is that why you complain so loud about Israel?

And how precisely would you suggest they go about doing that?

Recall the cheers of the Palestinian refugees in the various arab wars of liberation from the last century, all of which ended in failure. In all of those wars, 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, the Palestinians were "let down" by their "brother" arabs. In 1991, Palestinians were filmed cheering from the rooftops as Saddam's SCUD missiles landed in Tel Aviv. Again, they thought someone else would come along and give to them what they could not do themselves. Today, Iran and Syria fund armies by proxy amongst the Palestinian refugees, and once again, the Palestinians believe this outside assistance will somehow drive Israel into the sea.

That's a victim mentality, and it will never end unless the refugees either agree to 1) Permanently settle in the lands they squat in now or 2) agree to a lasting peace with Israel and live together. Given the election of Hamas and the good P.R. Hezbollah enjoys, neither option is desired by the Palestinians. They don't want peace, so Israel gives them war. (Which of course, people like Question then blame Israel for. That knee jerks pretty automatically for you, doesn't it?.)

Oh, yeah. Crack. Gotta be. "They will have a victim mentality unless they stop having a victim mentality." is what you basically just said, and I suppose that through the veil of your obviously chemically-induced stupor you thought you were saying something profound, rather than something profoundly stupid.

So all right-thinking people blame Israel for any troubles in the Middle East, whereas anyone who supports them (and can list their reasons for doing so) must be on crack. Gotcha. Your dismissiveness is not a measure of intellect, although it is a measure of snobbery. They're not the same, Question.

I see. So you'll argue for Israel's "right to defend itself" by blowing up civilians and neutral parties left and right, but in your opinion the Palestinians have no right to resist what basically amounts to apartheid.

Palestinian refugees have stated as plainly as they can that they do not seek peace with Israel, do not recognize Israel, and agree with their allies in Syria and Iran that Israel should be exterminated. You, Question, refuse to accept this basic premise in all of your criticism of Israel, which can be summarized by Israel's refusal to do as their enemies demand. You already know their demand, Question, not peace, but the extermination of Israel. So by what rationale do you base your criticism of Israel? Certainly not by anything said by her enemies.

And it's not like Israel has roads that are off-limits to non-Jews, or any of a number of other blatantly racist practices that would have the western world up in arms if the Arabs tried them.

"If the arabs tried them". Okay, I gave you the benefit of a doubt, but it is clear you absolutely know nothing of the living conditions of Jews (or Christians) in any arab country in the entire region. There's no "if" about it. I can recommend a travel book by Paul Theroux entitled "The Pillars of Hercules", which will give you a wonderful education on the cultural mores of muslim countries all along Northern Africa and the Israeli area.

(In case you're curious as to his personal bias, Theroux notes that people in Israel were among the rudest he's ever met.)

Kind of like how Zionists use the Holocaust to guilt-trip the entire western world into giving them weapons that they then turn around and use on innocent people, at the same time it lulls millions into a mental slumber in which the homicidal maniacs we make possible go unnoticed. That's a victim mentality, and it's one you've obviously bought into up to the hilt.

I haven't bought anything to the hilt. I'm not jewish. I don't hate arabs. I don't hate muslims. And I don't expect Israel to be an American-style democracy, as you seem to do. I wonder why you're not equally concerned with human rights in arab countries by arab regimes, and can only conclude that a racist notion of "brown people" is covered therein by your acceptance of life under arab theocracies. You hold Israel to a higher standard, I guess that's an acceptable view. I simply cannot see the benefit in the United States or the West favoring arab dictatorships over Israel. Israeli suicide bombers aren't trying to crash passenger jets into skyscrapers, their imams are not preaching hatred across the world and death to the west, their young people are not strapped bombs to themselves and blowing up IEDs via cell phone.

I can list the reasons I support Israel over their enemies. Yet you can only list the reasons you hate Israel. That difference betrays your weakness in the debate, because you know that suicide bombers are indefensible. No wonder you do nothing but talk about Israel. Because you know you cannot defend their enemies by any stretch. Even as victims.

Ogami said:
The Question wrote:

What's the phrase I'm looking for here? Ah, yes -- I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter.

I'll guess you'll never be nice. Who could match your intellect?

Well, a few people. Of course... those people tend not to argue with me. Hey, I wonder if there's a connection there...

Victims of whom? When you've got an aggressor and a victim, you blame the aggressor, not third parties. Israel is the aggressor in this dynamic, and whether or not anyone steps up to stop the aggressor doesn't change the fact of who the aggressor is.

And the solution is... for the entire Jewish population of Israel to jump into the ocean and give the Palestinian refugees their land back! You've got me beat, that thinking is too deep for my intellect.

No, the solution is for the entire Israeli government to say to itself, "Hey, ya know what, kids? Treating these people like shit has only kept the radicals among them thirsty for revenge for over 50 years. Maybe we should think about NOT continuing to do shit that reminds them of why!"

Back that up.

You are familiar with the 1948 War of Liberation?

Yeah, I am. I want you to present a source. You're like Wordin, more than a little. You'll rattle off historical fact, but without producing a straight source. Doing it that way allows you to throw your in any number of non-facts along with the good stuff, so present a straight source. That's what I mean when I say, "back that up" -- not, "tell me even more of your idea of how it went."

Funny how you worry so much about my intelligence when you claim ignorance of basic Middle East history.

Wrong-O, bub. I know my middle east history -- you don't think that I would after arguing on the subject this long? What it is that I want to know is where you got the figures you're using.

No, they're just subjected to institutional racism, regardless of the equality Israeli law supposedly guarantees them.

You have an interesting criteria for human rights, and very selective, considering the arabs living in Israel have innumerable more rights than any arab living in the surrounding arab regimes. That's indisputable.

No, it isn't indisputable. Back it up.

Is that why you complain so loud about Israel?

No, I complain so much about Israel because Israel is financially supported by Americans when we've never been given a vote on it and get subjected to bad shit if they don't support it -- and in consequence of supporting it, Americans have been murdered. That's the primary reason, at least. If our government would divorce itself from Israel, and the American people allowed to wash their hands of it, then terrorists might cease to see us as a target as well.

And how precisely would you suggest they go about doing that?

Recall the cheers of the Palestinian refugees in the various arab wars of liberation from the last century, all of which ended in failure. In all of those wars, 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, the Palestinians were "let down" by their "brother" arabs. In 1991, Palestinians were filmed cheering from the rooftops as Saddam's SCUD missiles landed in Tel Aviv. Again, they thought someone else would come along and give to them what they could not do themselves. Today, Iran and Syria fund armies by proxy amongst the Palestinian refugees, and once again, the Palestinians believe this outside assistance will somehow drive Israel into the sea.

And how do you know that they believe Israel will be driven "into the sea"? Are you psychic, or are you just high?

That's a victim mentality, and it will never end unless the refugees either agree to 1) Permanently settle in the lands they squat in now or 2) agree to a lasting peace with Israel and live together.

What about their right to "defense"? No? Not happening for them damn dirty A-rabs? Your double standard is simply amazing.

Given the election of Hamas and the good P.R. Hezbollah enjoys, neither option is desired by the Palestinians. They don't want peace, so Israel gives them war. (Which of course, people like Question then blame Israel for. That knee jerks pretty automatically for you, doesn't it?.)

Hmm, let's see. The British defeat the Ottoman Empire. After awhile, they decide to create the Mandate of Palestine, which is supposed to be for Jews and Arabs. The Jews start hauling people in by the thousands, the British say, "Hey! Slow down, you're gonna piss off the Arabs who live here too!" The Jews use terrorism to drive the British out, use terrorism against the Arabs around them, start grabbing land like mad, their neighbor nations start a war to contain them. Seems to me that Israel gives their neighbors war,not because their neighbors want war but because Israel wants their shit.

Oh, yeah. Crack. Gotta be. "They will have a victim mentality unless they stop having a victim mentality." is what you basically just said, and I suppose that through the veil of your obviously chemically-induced stupor you thought you were saying something profound, rather than something profoundly stupid.
So all right-thinking people blame Israel for any troubles in the Middle East, whereas anyone who supports them (and can list their reasons for doing so) must be on crack.

No, right-thinking people blame Israel for what Israel has earned blame for, and Israel has earned blame for quite a fucking lot of shit.

Gotcha. Your dismissiveness is not a measure of intellect, although it is a measure of snobbery. They're not the same, Question.

It's not dismissiveness, it's derision with a healthy portion of disdain mixed in for good measure.

I see. So you'll argue for Israel's "right to defend itself" by blowing up civilians and neutral parties left and right, but in your opinion the Palestinians have no right to resist what basically amounts to apartheid.
Palestinian refugees have stated as plainly as they can that they do not seek peace with Israel, do not recognize Israel, and agree with their allies in Syria and Iran that Israel should be exterminated.

You ignored the entire point of that. And if you're going to make claims about what people have said, you need to provide quotes and demographics to... back... that... up.

You, Question, refuse to accept this basic premise in all of your criticism of Israel, which can be summarized by Israel's refusal to do as their enemies demand.

Actually, Israel refuses to do pretty much anything anyone asks of them -- including the U.N., which makes it uproariously funny when they turn around and ask the U.N. to do shit for them.

You already know their demand, Question, not peace, but the extermination of Israel.

Really! Who says that's their demand? And if someone busted down your front door, kicked the shit out of you and then declared they lived in your place and threatened to shoot you if you resisted, are you saying you wouldn't want such a person deadized?

So by what rationale do you base your criticism of Israel? Certainly not by anything said by her enemies.

"Her" enemies? Yeah, you're more than a little obvious now. Pack up your flag, go home, you're not making any progress here now.

And it's not like Israel has roads that are off-limits to non-Jews, or any of a number of other blatantly racist practices that would have the western world up in arms if the Arabs tried them.
"If the arabs tried them". Okay, I gave you the benefit of a doubt, but it is clear you absolutely know nothing of the living conditions of Jews (or Christians) in any arab country in the entire region. There's no "if" about it. I can recommend a travel book by Paul Theroux entitled "The Pillars of Hercules", which will give you a wonderful education on the cultural mores of muslim countries all along Northern Africa and the Israeli area.

Scuse me, but when did we get on to how bad it is in mu-slime countries? Your attempt to sell me on the idea that non-Jews have it good in Israel because muslims have it worse elsewhere isn't going to fly. You can't excuse human rights violations from one party by saying "but there's less than over here..." They're still happening. Institutional racism is institutional racism, it's still wrong -- and as a matter of fact, when the American people are the ones making its continuation possible, the American people have a right to demand accountability for it.

Kind of like how Zionists use the Holocaust to guilt-trip the entire western world into giving them weapons that they then turn around and use on innocent people, at the same time it lulls millions into a mental slumber in which the homicidal maniacs we make possible go unnoticed. That's a victim mentality, and it's one you've obviously bought into up to the hilt.

I haven't bought anything to the hilt. I'm not jewish. I don't hate arabs. I don't hate muslims. And I don't expect Israel to be an American-style democracy, as you seem to do.

It's paid for with American dollars. Americans have every right to expect a return on their (involuntary and mandatory) investment.

I wonder why you're not equally concerned with human rights in arab countries by arab regimes, and can only conclude that a racist notion of "brown people" is covered therein by your acceptance of life under arab theocracies.

Oh, I am concerned with that. But, first of all, it's a different subject. And second of all, our leaders proclaim loud and long that we don't support them. Last, when our government has supported them in the past, as with supporting Hussein against Iran, we ended up paying for it in blood later -- just as we paid for our support of Israel in blood on 9/11.

You hold Israel to a higher standard, I guess that's an acceptable view. I simply cannot see the benefit in the United States or the West favoring arab dictatorships over Israel.

You're missing my contention, which is that we shouldn't be supporting anyone in that fucking cesspool. Not Iran, not Iraq, not Saudi Arabia, and not Israel. None of them.

Israeli suicide bombers aren't trying to crash passenger jets into skyscrapers, their imams are not preaching hatred across the world and death to the west, their young people are not strapped bombs to themselves and blowing up IEDs via cell phone.

No, they're not -- they're using American weaponry, which means they can do that same kind of destruction against similarly innocent people, and far worse, with no risk to the people pulling the triggers. And the Arabs know where those weapons come from, which puts each and every one of us on the shit list as much as the ones who pull the triggers.

I can list the reasons I support Israel over their enemies. Yet you can only list the reasons you hate Israel. That difference betrays your weakness in the debate, because you know that suicide bombers are indefensible.

Which is why I don't defend them.

No wonder you do nothing but talk about Israel. Because you know you cannot defend their enemies by any stretch. Even as victims.

Oh, as victims yes I can. And have.

Just do yourself a favor, repeat this phrase: "Hallowed are the Ori."

Just go ahead, it's really all you've been doing anyway.
The Question mused:

Well, a few people. Of course... those people tend not to argue with me. Hey, I wonder if there's a connection there...

I think we've nailed it down. I, on the other hand, simply give my opinion. And it's incontestable. To contest it, you would have to prove it's not my opinion. I don't have a monopoly on the truth, but I debate a lot of people who believe they do.

No, the solution is for the entire Israeli government to say to itself, "Hey, ya know what, kids? Treating these people like shit has only kept the radicals among them thirsty for revenge for over 50 years. Maybe we should think about NOT continuing to do shit that reminds them of why!"

At which point Question realizes the only peace that Hezbollah/Hamas/Syria/Iran wants is to drive every Israeli into the sea. They don't want peaceful co-existence. Try reading what these groups are saying, although that would mean shifting your laser-like focus off of Israel for a moment.

I highly doubt Israel would want a pat on the back from The Question after they'd all be stuffed into body bags by their enemies. "We're all dead, but at least the Question loves us now!"

Yeah, I am. I want you to present a source. You're like Wordin, more than a little. You'll rattle off historical fact, but without producing a straight source. Doing it that way allows you to throw your in any number of non-facts along with the good stuff, so present a straight source. That's what I mean when I say, "back that up" -- not, "tell me even more of your idea of how it went."

Read some books. I can't do everything for you, your public library has many fine books on the Middle East, and the Israeli/Arab wars. I admit I seem to have read a few more of those than you have, but is that really my fault?

Wrong-O, bub. I know my middle east history -- you don't think that I would after arguing on the subject this long? What it is that I want to know is where you got the figures you're using.

Where's the content? Your command of Middle East history is summarized by "I hate Israel and anyone who doesn't Nyah!"

No, it isn't indisputable. Back it up.

Do you want news links on human rights crimes by the Egyptian regime, the Syrian regime, the Iranian regime, the Iraqi regime, or any other Arab country that is an Islamic theocracy/military dictatorship? If you haven't heard of any by now, I doubt there's anything I can post to sway you.

No, I complain so much about Israel because Israel is financially supported by Americans when we've never been given a vote on it and get subjected to bad shit if they don't support it -- and in consequence of supporting it, Americans have been murdered. That's the primary reason, at least. If our government would divorce itself from Israel, and the American people allowed to wash their hands of it, then terrorists might cease to see us as a target as well.

In his autobiography "An American Life", Reagan describes the tense setting of Israel's war at that time with Palestinian guerillas in Lebanon. Reagan called Menachim Begin up and threatened to withhold American support of one form or another. Begin responded that Israel had existed thousands of years before American aid, and they would exist thousands of years later, too.

Since you crave internet sources (and can't be bothered to go out and read books), here's an interesting article I found of topical interest today:

And how do you know that they believe Israel will be driven "into the sea"? Are you psychic, or are you just high?

Those are the near-daily statements by the President of Iran, going back to 2005 at least. Again, I can't force you to educate yourself. But you seem to have all the facts you wish to have, don't you? I guess you don't need any more to reinforce your mindset. If your mind's made up, why bother checking out what the Iranian president or any other arab leader says from day to day? This explains a lot.

The British defeat the Ottoman Empire. After awhile, they decide to create the Mandate of Palestine, which is supposed to be for Jews and Arabs. The Jews start hauling people in by the thousands, the British say, "Hey! Slow down, you're gonna piss off the Arabs who live here too!" The Jews use terrorism to drive the British out, use terrorism against the Arabs around them, start grabbing land like mad, their neighbor nations start a war to contain them. Seems to me that Israel gives their neighbors war,not because their neighbors want war but because Israel wants their shit.

All true. Of course, only in the arab mindset could refugees from Nazified europe by considered a warcrime. Also note that after the formation of Israel, Arab regimes throughout kicked out their millenia-old Jewish populations and forced them to emigrate to Israel. Every arab country in existence did this. Your lack of mention of this well-known fact points again either to your lack of historical knowledge, or sadly, extreme bias against Israel. Why do you hate that tiny strip of land so much? I don't hate either side, your spitting hatred puzzles and baffles me. I know why Syrians or Egyptians hate that little state with such passion, your motives for having the same attitude are a mystery.

No, right-thinking people blame Israel for what Israel has earned blame for, and Israel has earned blame for quite a fucking lot of shit.

Again, Mel Gibson had to get shit-faced drunk to say that. What's your excuse?

You ignored the entire point of that. And if you're going to make claims about what people have said, you need to provide quotes and demographics to... back... that... up.

LOL see what I mean? The Iranian president can say this stuff every day, the leaders of Hezbollah can say this stuff every day, yet Question adopts a serious expression and says "Prove it". Are you too lazy to click that mouse and read their statements for yourself? Apparently so.

Actually, Israel refuses to do pretty much anything anyone asks of them -- including the U.N., which makes it uproariously funny when they turn around and ask the U.N. to do shit for them.

That's more of a statement on the composition of the UN, dictators and thugs, than Israel. ( I guess it's equally a mystery to you why Bush doesn't base all foreign policy around what the UN says.)

Really! Who says that's their demand? And if someone busted down your front door, kicked the shit out of you and then declared they lived in your place and threatened to shoot you if you resisted, are you saying you wouldn't want such a person deadized?

Israel's enemies have stated quite clearly they don't seek peace, they seek the extermination of Israel. If you don't see that, that's your problem, not mine.

"Her" enemies? Yeah, you're more than a little obvious now. Pack up your flag, go home, you're not making any progress here now.

You've got one person on this board defending Israel (and the Bush administration) and a regular basis, the rest of you are just a chorus of unanimity. I don't need to make progress to convince you of anything, your mind was made up before you read a single book on the subject. You do not have a monopoly on the truth, and I will cheerfully remind of that at any opportunity. :)

Your attempt to sell me on the idea that non-Jews have it good in Israel because muslims have it worse elsewhere isn't going to fly. You can't excuse human rights violations from one party by saying "but there's less than over here..." They're still happening. Institutional racism is institutional racism, it's still wrong,20

When Israel has anything remotely resembling the human rights violations conducted by these arab governments, then you can complain. Until then, it is a proven fact that Israeli arabs have far more rights in Israel than they would under any arab regime. That's why I support Israel, and laugh at you for supporting those who would as soon cut your head off as look at you, Question.

I'll tackle the rest of that slush later, but there's one thing I've said -- over and over -- which you still refuse to acknowledge:

1. I do not support Israel's enemies.

2. I do not support Israel either.
If Ogami was a dual, don't you think I would have been posting regularly with the other handle saying "That Ogami sure made a great point, you go!"

Instead it's just me and a rotating contingent of Bush-bashers. I'd welcome a second voice on politics, someone who doesn't just parrot what everyone else on the left says.
Ogami said:
If Ogami was a dual, don't you think I would have been posting regularly with the other handle saying "That Ogami sure made a great point, you go!"

Maybe you're just crafty like that.

Instead it's just me and a rotating contingent of Bush-bashers. I'd welcome a second voice on politics, someone who doesn't just parrot what everyone else on the left says.

Hell, I dispute almost everything the left says -- you, on the other hand, have a tendency to parrot everything neocons say. Neocons, by the way, are not the depth and breadth of the Right. Maybe someday you'll figure that out.

Then again, I doubt it.