Troll Kingdom

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Jack The Loser


New member
This guy is the biggest asshole on TK aside from TQ. All he does is cry about a freakin' comic book site. What does that tell ya?
If I'm a loser playing to totally entertaining geek retards, what does that make you?

This schtick shows a much deeper grasp of assholiness than I could ever muster.
I mean really, as fucked up as Blackfoot is, his ignorance is bliss.
^^At least I take action, try to make a difference, I use these boards to troll people, gather information, trick you guys into doing stupid pet tricks. You...........on the other hand...........sit around banging away on your keyboard accomplishing what??.....pwning geedis??
Take action? Make a difference?

You couldn't troll your own vagina with your fingers, idiot.
You must think all this "CIA left a can of gravy outside my door" means a flying fuck to anyone here.

You may have been able to use this troll when everyone thought you were really "contacting the feds", but relly, after 4 years and nothing but threats, do you think people believe you?

I happen to KNOW you have shit oozing out from between your teeth.

Sounds like someone is jealous of my little "vanity forum"

jack said:
Take action? Make a difference?

You couldn't troll your own vagina with your fingers, idiot.

uum..........I don't think you would know a troll if it smacked you upside the head.
It's nice to know I can still get idiots like you to come to me.......... all the way down here in DayCare though. Unlike you Jack, I don't have to have the whole board at my disposal in order to troll.
jack said:
You must think all this "CIA left a can of gravy outside my door" means a flying fuck to anyone here.

You may have been able to use this troll when everyone thought you were really "contacting the feds", but relly, after 4 years and nothing but threats, do you think people believe you?

Sounds like someone is jealous of my little "vanity forum"


Actually, it has been 3 years and I think you are jealous because you didn't come up with the Conspiracy Theory Troll before I did. You can only get so much mileage out of "libel per se" and Comic Board people.

Me.......on the other hand...........can get a LOT of mileage out of the CIA, DOJ, ATF, DEA, Secret Service, Military, U.S. Rep's, race car drivers, District Attorneys, Attorney Generals, webscams, The Gay Mafia, People with Dots on their Heads, prisoners, gassing's, Spy's, Coldwell-Banker Realtors, Hi-Tech companies, Treason, Hummers, Drug Addicts, Chinese People, Trekkie idiots....................

You see where I am going with this Jack?? I can keep adding more and more and more to this story..............keep building layer upon layer to the Conspiracy!!!
This could go on FOREVER if I wasn't getting my internet service disconnected!!!!

Yeah..............add ISP's to that list. Compooter Hackings!! It's like being in the Matrix or something.
Another thing Jack.........when I am gone, don't try to capitalize on my troll since everyone grew tired of your TIRED troll years ago. It is MY conspiracy and I have a copyright on it.
Here is another thing for you to think about you No-Talent Bum..........I didn't have to go whining to the administrators begging them to make me a forum.
Nope!...............I just took over DayCare.
Rov_is_a_Fag said:
Actually, it has been 3 years and I think you are jealous because you didn't come up with the Conspiracy Theory Troll before I did. You can only get so much mileage out of "libel per se" and Comic Board people.

Me.......on the other hand...........can get a LOT of mileage out of the CIA, DOJ, ATF, DEA, Secret Service, Military, U.S. Rep's, race car drivers, District Attorneys, Attorney Generals, webscams, The Gay Mafia, People with Dots on their Heads, prisoners, gassing's, Spy's, Coldwell-Banker Realtors, Hi-Tech companies, Treason, Hummers, Drug Addicts, Chinese People, Trekkie idiots....................

You see where I am going with this Jack?? I can keep adding more and more and more to this story..............keep building layer upon layer to the Conspiracy!!!

I wrote teh "conspiracy theory" troll, idiot. "No Plane Hit The Pentagon" :D

"Kennedy was fucked in the neck by LBJ to fool the Warren Commission into thinking it was an exit wound" etc etc
