Jesse Ventura Ownage.

That's got to be one of the first times Jesse opened his mouth and didn't make an ass of himself. Good job.

Hasselbeck should have done porn. She's nice to look at but her mouth needs to be crammed full to completely appreciate her.
The View is just ridiculous, the audience is obese haus fraus who cream their panties every time Obama appears on TV. What I love about Liberals is that they fight for free long as you agree with their opinions. Hasselbeck is NEVER allowed to state her opinion without being shouted down, berated, or even insulted. I like her because she takes the high road instead of name-calling.
What I love about Liberals is that they fight for free long as you agree with their opinions.

You are confusing with republicans again.
"we want freedom, so long as it freedom our way."

Liberals are free speech as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
you know, those stupidly inferior minority groups that tear up when you point at the mole on their nose.
It's not that right-wingers don't have a voice on The View, some guests do very well. The problem is that Hasselbeck doesn't have an original thought in her head, and just mouths factoids and whatever other right-wingers tell her. Her bubbleheaded, half-baked opinions are easy to shred by anyone who reads the papers beyond the headlines.

Right-wing clown Glenn Beck was on today, apparently Whoopi handed his head to him, LOL.
"I'm not saying it's great...I'm not saying everyone go next door and let's get waterboarded"

Stupid bitch.
The View is just ridiculous, the audience is obese haus fraus who cream their panties every time Obama appears on TV. What I love about Liberals is that they fight for free long as you agree with their opinions. Hasselbeck is NEVER allowed to state her opinion without being shouted down, berated, or even insulted. I like her because she takes the high road instead of name-calling.

Both liberals AND conservatives want you to agree with their opinions. The difference is, conservatives brand you a communist if you don't.