JILLIAN MIA PARt 48hg898898dhfg


I want to smell dark matter


She now ties children's shoelaces for a living in Sacremento. Until she learned those little fucks were colluding with the government to take her down.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


I want to smell dark matter
She is Nursey from Blackadder 2.


No. Nursey was intentionally funny. She's more like Lenny Henry's cock.

Dr Dave

I think she was on refcl for a short time when I had joined there, and I might have seen her on lonaf at one point as well, but for the most part ive only heard of her.


It would require over 10,000 words to explain her and her history here.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
She is mentioned on the TK page of encyclopedia dramatica http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Troll_Kingdom

I used to like to go down to Daycare and visit with her, but her rants got a little boring sometimes. If you could keep her on a topic other than her neighbors or people driving by in Hummers it was fun.. It was really funny when she convinced her self she was working for Gagh, and trying to give him information about the women he was dating.


I want to smell dark matter
I'll do it

1) Jillian joins.
2) Jillian says "HELLO BOYS!"
3) Jillian threatens to sue the board because BlazerBoy called her a "moose".
4) Jillian explodes.



I want to smell dark matter
ChrisG76 said:
It would require over 10,000 words to explain her and her history here.

or is it Gagh??? I saw your back door link to Turdforge. You say you are an IRS guy for the UK, but I think you are part of an international counterfeiting ring on this board. What did you do with the money???? help the terrorist blow up subways over there??? THUG! I'm calling the FBI who busted your pals asses over here and telling him to look at all your posts because some of them looked a little suspect to me. Like they were some kind of secret code to your thug buddies. How does Mentalist fit into this?? is he your illegal weapons connection in Athens?? he doesn't scare me with his death threats.


I'll give it a go.

Jillian joined TK, and was initially seen as a spirited individual, posting slightly fruitcakey items in many, many threads. Then it became clear she had a history at other board, with some allegations against two brothers called Brian & Eric (I've forgotten a lot of the specifics here - it just isn't important in my life, sorry).

She starts to accuse numerous people here of being either Brian or Eric, sometimes both, or in collusion with them. Her delusions run deep, and it becomes rapidly clear that all is not well in cranium land. To boot, the woman tells anyone willing to read every tiny detail of her life. Who she works for, her divorce, her home, her work, her plastic surgery - the lot.

This is clearly the kind of woman who could talk for 4 hours at The Pope about colonic irrigation. I start to reply to every one of her posts with "Shut up, Jillian". Soon the whole board is ragging on her, and then the serious delusions begin.

She hires some fruitloop to hack another member's PC and wreck it (T? I can't remember now). She starts looking for people's real life details, and I believe eventually she contacts either Brian or Eric at work or home (I can't remember, and neither do I care), and the whole sorry incident reportedly results in her getting dragged to court for online harassment, and a mark put on her record (again, this depends how much you believe).

By now, she's lost it. She's already been shitcanned to Daycare a few times, resulting in the registration of some bad duals where it becomes clear it's her. I inherit one she registered but failed to unlock, and post as her for a while.

She registers at a whole bunch of other boards, ragging on TK and it's members, of which I am a prime suspect (along with mm, Sardy, CU, Menty, LG and many others) of being in cahoots with Brian & Eric in having her record smeared. She hires a lawyer, and contacts TK's host, managing to get a whole copy of TK's database.

mm finally does what she should have done months before, and shitcans Jillian permanently.

The insanity continues afoot at other boards. The woman is clearly in need of help, and is clearly one of the most delusional people to come online. It's all a bit sad, because there were moments of lucidity where she appeared to offer something to TK, but it wasn't to be.

She pitches up again, and registers a number of accounts, that are either banned or dumped into daycare. The delusions have become worse than ever before. She has become convinced that host servers are all in on TK's attempts to smear her character. I am accused of smuggling arms, drugs & counterfeit money into the US (where I've never been) as part of by work with 'the IRS'.

The Government is clearly behind all of Jillian's woes, yet she continues in her litigious ways, telling us we will all be jailed and repeatedly butt-raped, despite slandering us all constantly far worse than she has ever been, overlooking the fact that if this ever actually got anywhere, it would be thrown out in an instant when the defence presents all her delusional posts.

Finally, she disappeared off the radar this June, following a server move and repeated down time on TK. The latest version of Jillian, whilst still delusional, seemed far less full of threat that others.

She made some pretty decent posts, amongst the lists of websites on host servers that were colluding with TK (the funniest being Ainsley Harriot's website - surely in cahoots with TK to make better cookies for mm, if nothing else). In edition she tells us everything about her job. I seem to fall in and out of favour with her on an hourly basis, and now seem to be involved in her everyday life as a supplier of stock to her workplace.

So despite the fact that she was probably unhinged enough, and litigious to genuinely pose a threat (possibly), she kept the place interesting - at least when she wasn't threatening you.

She is as much part of TK's fabric as mm, RW and all the other 'OG' members you'd care to imagine. There is most certainly only one Jillian. The universe isn't big enough for two. It would probably try to sue itself for harassment.

At times, you wonder if she was genuine, an elaborate troll - the whole lot. That's TK for you!


I want to smell dark matter
Ainsley lol.