Join The Traditional Family Values Alliance To Purify Troll Kingdom

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
The Traditional Family Values Alliance to Purify Troll Kingdom is dedicated to ending free speech at Troll Kingdom. The T.F.V.A.P.T.K is dedicated to making Troll kingdom safe for families and children everywhere to read family friendly posts.

To do this, the scum must be removed. These degenerates have polluted Troll Kingdom and must be cast out like Jesus cast out the demons into pigs. These swine are enemies of the family, and as suchy must be removed. The T.F.V.A.P.T.K is dedicated to running these demon-possessed scum off so they can go to where the rest of the perverts, scum, dopeheads and alcoholics go to look at their smut and boast of their wickedness!

Support the Family!
Join The T.F.V.A.P.T.K and throw the pervs,sinners,alcoholics,masterbaters and dopeheads out!


Shifty sumbitch
The slattern's still at it, I see.
