Joker goes on Shooting Spree at Batman Premier


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
(and they didnt even need glasses) :)

..Deadly Denver shooting at Batman premiere kills 12

A heavily armed gas mask-wearing gunman opened fire at the midnight premiere of the new Batman movie in suburban Denver, killing 12 people and leaving 38 wounded, authorities said.

The shooter dressed in black and wearing body armour "appeared" at the front of one of the theatres showing "The Dark Knight Rises" with a rifle and handgun, threw some type of explosive and started shooting into the packed theatre, according to various media reports citing witnesses.

The shooting unfolded inside a darkened theatre packed with Batman fans, some in costume for the movie's premiere in Aurora, about 16 km from downtown Denver, less than 10 minutes into the film, the Denver Post reported.

Screaming, panicked moviegoers scrambled to escape from the black-clad gunman, who wore a gas mask and randomly shot as he walked up the theatre's steps, witnesses cited by CNN said.

The shooter used at least four guns -- an "AK type" rifle, a shotgun and two handguns, a federal law enforcement official told CNN.

A cell phone video taken by someone at the theatre showed scores of people screaming and fleeing the building. Some had blood on their clothes.

Police initially said 14 people had died -- 10 in the theatre and four at hospitals -- but revised the toll to 12 later Friday.

Saying "such violence, such evil is senseless", President Barack Obama cancelled campaign events in Florida and declared Friday a day for prayer and reflection.

"There are going to be other days for politics. This is a day, I think, for prayers and reflection," the president told a crowd that had gathered in anticipation of a campaign rally in Fort Myers, Florida.

Obama's Republican rival Mitt Romney also put out a statement Friday "praying for the families and loved ones of the victims during this time of deep shock and immense grief".

Multiple media outlets identified the shooting suspect as 24-year-old James Holmes.

Police said his apartment appears to be booby trapped with "pretty sophisticated" explosive devices.

"We could be here for days," Police Chief Dan Oates was quoted as saying by the Denver Post


I AM the Goddamn Batman....the Joker will PAY for this :eek:


Vuhlkansu Wihs
As if morons on cell phones, the dumbasses that keep walking in front of you, the fat woman with the huge hair and screaming kids at a movie aren't annoying enough....


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
bitch killed or hurt 70 people.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
My sister and her husband normally go to that theater. They wanted to go to the midnight premiere, but couldn't find a sitter. I'm beyond relieved.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Was it 14 dead or 12? There've been a bunch of weird stories about this since it happened.


The Dark Knight
Worst thread ever.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Pay no attention to the IMPOSTER above

He is only "Batman"

I am "The Goddamn Batman"

There IS a difference :tongue1:

Captain America

Sentinel of Liberty
Worst thread ever.

I somewhat agree with Batman here; what's the point of this thread?

This is a terrible tragedy. Lots of folks have asked me my opinion in the last week, and I figured I'd share it here as I haven't been here awhile.

We need to have a serious discussion about guns in America. I don't think that necessarily means stricter gun laws, but we need to stop miring the conversation itself in partisan rhetoric, come together across the aisle, and create a solution that saves lives and helps those who are sick enough to do this.

I also think we should all be more aware of the people around us. Is there someone we work with or know who we participate in mocking, alienating, or even downright bullying? Do we imagine how that could make them feel? If we've never felt the crushing pain of loneliness and rejection, can we try to imagine that pain and what it might do to those who do know it?

I'm not saying anyone's to blame for these killings but the killers, who made the final decision and have to be judged for that. But I am saying we have a duty to all people to be kinder, more compassionate, and more aware of how our actions and inactions affect others.


Look! Up in the sky!
I somewhat agree with Batman here; what's the point of this thread?

This is a terrible tragedy. Lots of folks have asked me my opinion in the last week, and I figured I'd share it here as I haven't been here awhile.

We need to have a serious discussion about guns in America. I don't think that necessarily means stricter gun laws, but we need to stop miring the conversation itself in partisan rhetoric, come together across the aisle, and create a solution that saves lives and helps those who are sick enough to do this.

I also think we should all be more aware of the people around us. Is there someone we work with or know who we participate in mocking, alienating, or even downright bullying? Do we imagine how that could make them feel? If we've never felt the crushing pain of loneliness and rejection, can we try to imagine that pain and what it might do to those who do know it?

I'm not saying anyone's to blame for these killings but the killers, who made the final decision and have to be judged for that. But I am saying we have a duty to all people to be kinder, more compassionate, and more aware of how our actions and inactions affect others.

I didn't think it possible...thoughtful, stirring words at TK.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Captain.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I broke wind at a craps table once.